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So, since we’re done discussing the STRENGTH TRAINING,

I’ll sum up everything.

Strength training is any type of exercise that involves

your own body weight or equipment to build muscle
mass, endurance, and strength.
Strength Training is a performance that involves from the
word itself, strength it is the ability to exert effort. It
needs power and force to carry out such training. It helps
you not just your physical health but also, emotionally,
and mentally. By doing these things, it will surely help
you boost your self-esteem and confidence.

Strength training process help us overcome challenges

and improving our belief that we can succeed in what we
want to achieve. Also, it has been shown to help protect
against age-related cognitive decline, with studies
showing that older people who engage in strength
training maintain areas of cognitive compared with those
who didn’t. This could be because strength training helps
improve blood flow, reduces inflammation, and increases
expression of a chemical called (BDNF) brain-derived
neurotrophic factor, which is linked with memory and
Actually, we have prepared a video that shows some
examples of strength training. Let’s watch it together.

That’s it. We’re done with our report but before we end,
let me leave a quote with you’ll. “It is not about being
the best. It is about being better than you were

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