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Mathew A.

De Mesa Group-1 California-11

Reaction Paper
about classification and 3 Type major of rock
 The introduction and summary
rock are one of the common things found on are planet we can see it everywhere we can touch
it, rock can formed to small and big piece in this planet there are 3 different types of Rocks
found and it can be classified according to how they are formed Igneous, Sedimentary, and
Metamorphic is a type of Rocks found and it all formed differently igneous rock formed due to
molten rock its cools and solidifies it contains intrusive and extrusive type of rock sedimentary
rocks formed due to to pieces of once-living organism that accumulate on the Earth's surface
and it has contain type of rock called organic,clastic,chemical metamorphic rocks formed due to
high heat pressure changing the original rock into a completely new rock it formed simply being
deep beneath the earth surface high temperatures and the great pressure of the rock layers
and it has type called foliate and non-foliate

 thoughts, feelings, and opinions

rock has divided and might categorized on how and in which they formed, it formed before
humans existed, rocks is a natural substance composed of different minerals which have been
fused collectively into a strong rock, rocks is important to us because rocks are one of
responsible for making an object and it give us minerals we need to live
rock has a big role and big help on us because it gives us mineral we need, it use to build new
things it use to build house it help us live it exist before us

 conclusion

Rock has been divided into 3 major part of group called igneous
sedimentary and metamorphic rock
 Each Major rock has a responsible on what are planet now
 Rock has a natural mineral that living things need
 Rock has its own way how to use it depending on how people use it
 Rock existed before humans exist
 Rock is important to all living things such as human animal etc.

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