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For the past two months, the confinement has become part of our routine.

Routine is, in these days, our worst enemy. The routine to which we are forced, the routine
of confinement, the lack of socialization physically, ...
Basically, my routine, lately, is always the same. Succinctly, I dedicate myself to studying, to
playing, to socializing online and to practise physique exercise.
I confess that my mood is not the best in every day "closed at home". There are days when I
just want to stay in bed waiting for the pandemic to pass, but I know the life is just one and I
shouldn’t waste it. I always try to be positive and to live this pandemic in a cheerful way,
because this will pass soon.
In the space of 2 months, everyone's life has changed radically – since the emptiness of the
streets to the way that we live today.
Honestly, the confinement is all we don’t want.

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