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Nguyen Minh Tri - s3924683

This project is first time I have ever spent too more times and effort into. I love coding
things and use it to make quality of life better and since I’m usually use social media
such as discord, I had wanted to make a bot that can run 24/7 to manage one of my
servers in discord. With my determination, I tried to learn JavaScript and start coding
with everything I know. This project involved in part of my hobby so I can quickly learn
and improve than before. For example, I understood on how to classes in JavaScript
and understand the important of organizing files to improve readability. While doing the
project, the most challenging one is thinking of a feature for the bot so that it can be
uniqueness and useful. When I try to think, I usually have problem with thinking of new
ideas because I have a feeling that my idea is already made by others so what I can
only do is use the current idea and improve it through user needs. For example, instead
of loggings member chat in a channel, bot can dm users to be more private. Second
challenge is because of the complexity of coding, it takes me a lot of times to create one
feature which was tough for me because I didn’t have enough time to code. However, I
was enjoying coding so I tried my best to do what I could for the project. Therefore, what
I need to learn is trying to manage time efficiency. Depending on the complexity or size
of the project, we have different startup time because for this project, even through I
tried to start early but I still didn’t have enough time to do so I must learn from this
mistake. If I can do this project again, I could make the bot even better because I plan
time efficiently and create more features. For example, instead of loggings keywords,
now bot can detect users join, leave servers, detect, and count number members, etc.
In the end, with everything I have been through, the project experience has given me
the importance of planning and managing times. Furthermore, it allows me to create a
better public discord bot which can do more useful things in discord servers.

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