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Czy kiedykolwiek widziates/as lub uczestniczyles/as w wypadku drogowym? Opisz okolicznosel tego zdarzenia. 8 Preeczytaj tekst na stronie 104, a nastepnie wybierz wlasciwa odpowied# - a, b tub «. Dan a) wants to fly to Italy. b) wishes to hire a caravan. doesn’t want to drive, ‘The writer hates the idea because .. a) she is sick in a car b) she thinks Dan isa reckless driver. ©) she doesn't trust other drivers. One day. her dad had an accident. a) in which his car knocked over a man. 'b)_ which was probably the pedestrians fault. ©) where al the people involved were relatively unharmed. In the Christmas accident a) she nearly died. ) she didn’t break a bone, )__ the car ran off the road. She worries that in Rome ... a) it will be almost impossible to find a vacant parking space. b) she won't have to speak Italian. ) the trip will be monotonous. wir jezykiobce Sandra’s blog 17% March | had a serious quarrel with Dan about our trip to Italy in the summer. He insists on not going by plane as previously planned, and wants to go by car. What's more - not his jeep or my Peugeot ~ but a camper. He knows | hate cars but he loves driving ‘A.camper with accommodation ‘included in the price’ isthe latest idea, An idea which i'm afraid, wil kil me, and not because | am sick as soon as | fasten my seatbelt. but mainly because | deeply believe even the best drivers are helpless facing dangerous road conditions or crazy motorcyclists (even if they don't cause dangerous situations themselves). That's why | have never got a driving licence: | remember sitting in my dad's van and watching him accelerating. speeding, and then braking when it was still not too late. He would overtake all possible vehicles, all huge ditch diggers, lorries and snowploughs. and | would shake with fear. Once he ran into a pedestrian who was crossing the street, almost knocking him down. Fortunately, nothing serious happened. but it was probably only through my dad’s good luck. However, he didn’t have it when ‘we were driving to our family for Christmas. and his car skidded, we somersaulted and fell ito a ditch. 1 spent two months in hospital with broken legs and ribs, and my dad almost died. Then | told him: ‘Never ever again’, And although Dan is a careful driver {still don’t believe itis safe. Two years ago, we had an accident. We were driving home after a theatre performance when | suddenly noticed a cyclist who was cycling with no back light. | shouted: ‘Dan! Stop!" And he swerved. avoiding the man, but crashing into a fence. Fortunately, we were driving at a very low speed, as | always insist we should do in the darkness. But you never know what to expect on the road, Also, from a practical point of view. a car is not a jet and driving to our destination will ake us a day or two. and when we finally arrive in Rome, I'm sure it will be difficult to park the camper. ‘Actually, it will be a surprise if we manage to reach the city at all, with all the flyovers and junctions ~ a nightmare in big cites. Driving in a city you know and one you don’t know are two different stories. One-way streets, car parks full, bypasses ~ that’s what ‘we had in Cracow last year, but | presume Italy might be worse. especially taking into ‘account the fact that neither of us has ever shown any talent for languages, so we don’t speak a word of Italian... And what if we have a puncture in the middle of a motorway. with no spare tyre - and there is no help? | don’t know what to do. Do you think | should opt for a cruise in the Mediterranean instead? Perhaps if | buy tickets for a luxurious ruse liner, he will give up his crazy idea? airliner — samolot rejsowy all-terrain vehicle (ATV) ~ quad ‘camper ~ samochéd kempingowy caravan — przyczepa kempingowa coach - autokar cruise liner - statek pasaderski digger - koparka dustcart — smieciarka ferry - prom hearse ~ karawan jet - odreutowiec lorry ~ cigtarowka minibus ~ mikrobus moped - motorower ‘motorboat - motorowka ‘ocean liner ~ transatlantyk paddle boat - rower wocny snowplough — plug sniezny steamship ~ parowiec tow truck ~ holownik van ~ pokigzaréwka yacht — jacht accelerate — przyspieszaé beep a horn ~ nacisnaé klakson brake — hamulechamowac ‘bumps - wyboje bus lane — pas dla autobusow bypass - objazd, obwodnica car park - parking change gear — zmieni¢ bieg crash rozbie, sthuczka crossroads ~ skrzyzowanie dead end — siepa uliczka ch row ext — zjazd (2 autostrady) fasten seat belt - zapiac pasy fill up ~ zatankovia€ do peina fine — daé mandat wow jexykiobce pl PODROZE flyover — wiadukt get stuck in a traffic jam — utkna¢ w korku go through red lights ~ praejechaé na czerwonym swietle indicate — wlaczy¢ kierunkowskaz junction - skrzytowanie kerb — krawveznik ‘motorcyclist ~ motocyklistarka ‘motorway - autostrada no entry sign — znak zakazu wjazdu one-way street — ulica jednokierunkowa overtake - wyprzedzi¢ pavement - chodnik pedestrian - pieszy pull over — zjechaé na pobocze puncture/flat tyre - przebita opona reverse gear —bieg wsteczny road/street signs ~ znaki drogowe road works - roboty drogowe roundabout - rondo run into somebody ~ wjechat na kogos skid — wpase w poslizg slippery road - slska jezdnia somersault — przekoziolkowat spare tyre — kolo zapasowe speed bump — prog zwalniajacy speed limit - dozwolona predkose start the engine - uruchomié silnik swerve - gvraltownie skreci¢ tow - holowae traffic congestion — korek traffic island ~ wysepka traffic lights ~ swiatla ‘tunnel - tunel underpass - przeiicie podziemne ‘warning triangle ~ trojkat ostrzegawczy ‘wheel - koto zebra crossing ~ przejicie dla pieszych 9 Preeczytaj notki o ruchu drogowym i uzupelnij brakujace litery. wile he was travelling the interstate, his tyre got a Since the traf Congestion at that hour was heavy, he was unable to move the car to the side of the road so he was standing there with his waiting for his car to be away bi the road breakdown service, The cars which were driving past were mercilessiy he was spotted by the police patrol as he was through a red light and noe while turning left. When he was asked to _u _| over the officers noticed he hada't his seatbelt either. He was severely and also received 12 penalty points. the driver while the lights were changing to red and as he was leaving the he lost contro of the vehicle, drove onto the pavement and damaged the car’s suspension on the the lights were just tuning red as she too rapidly. As a consequence, the driver behind had no chance to react and * __ into the back of her car. the road was icy and very The driver was going over 140 kph, so wel above the when he and crashed into a lamppost. 10 Dopasuj wyrazy 1-6 do wyrazéw a-f, tak aby powstaly wyrazenia, Nastepnie ul6z ‘zdanie z kazdym z nich. start stuck ina traffic jam change the engine get sign fil up the tank zebra gears road crossing PODROTE u Wykresl opcje niepoprawna- a tyre, a balloon, an engine 1 to puncture 2 toovertake a bus. the lights, a slower vehicle 3 traffic congestion. island, wheel 4 main, blind, one-way street 5 bus, straight fast lane 12 Uzupetnij definicje. _ a road built around a townvvllage so that the traffic doesn't have to 80 directly through it a bridge which caries a road or railway over another oad 2 «a road or path going under e.g. a busy road wihich allows vehicles or people to get to the other side safely 4 a small raised area built across the road to slow traffic down 5 a smaller road used to leave a main road jezykiobce pl

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