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Internet Safe

Please watch these videos before doing the Activity

Web: Cyberbullying


Assignment:: Research in teh Web and then create a presentation in Slides answering the
following questions. Very Important: Do not copy and paste. Please elaborate your own
answers in your own words analizing and discussing the content you read about in the web site.

The presentation should contain a Title Slide, a final conclusion and text and images.

1. ¿What is meant by Ciberbullying? ¿consequences? ¿How can you prevent it or do

something about it?

2. ¿What is meant by Grooming? ¿How can you prevent it?

3. State 5 advices you may think of to have safe passwords

4. Select 4 threatens about Internet explain the risk and how to avoid them

5. Search in the web some advertisments against bollying, cyberbullying around the world.
Copy the image in your document and explain why you selected it.

6. In the las slide you must include a reflexión.

7. Send the presentation through Moodle}

Part B


Based on the presentation and your advices, créate a poster against any of the problems stated
You can do it in Publisher or any other site to créate posters online, but youhave to hand it in in


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