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Making a Video

In pairs, you are going to select a feeling you want to communicate for in this
extremely and unique time of pandemia and quarantine.
Stage 1: in a document

• write all the ideas that came out before getting one(I
recommend you to use Google docs so you can both work in
the same document)
• Once you have the first idea, write your plans. They way you
intend to make the video. Ex (someone talking, using actors,
only images and text……)
• If you are going to use written text, write down the phrases, if
is a dialogue or someone talking, write the dialog or speech.
• Is it going to have music? What music and explain why you
selected that song
• What else do you need and justify.
At the end include: sources, and apps you used to create it.

Stage 2 Hands on!!

• Create a video that shows the feeling you want to transmit.

• You can use any videorecorder. But you need to put it in the
• You can use any video editor, need to be in the documentation.
• AT the end you should include the name of the people in your

Stage 3 – Reflection (same document as stage one)

• Was the result as you planned it at Stage one?.

• Name the differences and why

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