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Periodic Table CYOA

10 Gifts (+16 from Ac, +16 from La)

1 - Mg - Double 1 other ability (Sc)

2 - Sc - Double 1 other ability (Mn, ) [x2]
3 - Mn - Double 1 other ability (Es,Pd,La,Ac) [x4]
4 - Es - Doubles IQ [x8]
5 - Pd - Doubles Wisdom [x8]
6 - Ac - If you have 4 actinides, +2 gifts (Es, Ac, Fm, Md)[x8]
7 - Fm - Limit abilities to 0% to 100%
8 - Md - Exchange with 1 other power, can't double (Cs)
* - Cs - Dig through the earth at 1 cubic meter every 5 seconds
9 - La - If you have 4 lanthanides, +2 gifts (La, Ce, Tb, Yb)[x8]
10 - Ce - Control plans with your mind
11 - Tb - Gain echolocation
12 - Yb - Gain Stonesense like a Dwarf
13 - N - Plants grow up to x20 normal size when watered with your bodily fluids
14 - O - No longer need to breath
15 - In - Immunity to cold
16 - Sn - Immunity to aging, can also de-age yourself
17 - Cl - Immunity to disease
18 - Br - Immune to fire, UV rays, overheating
19 - Xe - Choose how much pain to feel, can choose to fall asleep instantly
20 - Te - Immune to amnesia, photographic memory
21 - B - Immunity to electricity
22 - Zn - 10x regeneration, can regenerate whole body from a bit of flesh
23 - Ni - Concentrate for 20 min to teleport anywhere on Earth
24 - Ag - Become immune to supernatural events, harm supernatural creatures with a
25 - Ti - Resistance to harm increased x30
26 - W - Integretes Wolfram Alpha into your brain, doesn't need internet
27 - Ar - Negative aspects of abilities are removed
28 - Be - Free GPS, internet, and TV for any device you use
29 - Ga - Look into a mirror to see anything want within 1km
30 - Rn - Strength and Speed increase with proportion to mass
31 - Pb - Change density at will, safely, from x1 to x15
32 - Si - Become an andriod, -50% emotion, +300% strength and durability [x4]
33 - K - Prevents dirt, grime, sweat, etc. from sticking to you
34 - Rb - Gain heat-vision
35 - Cd - UV immunity, 1 min in sunlight = 1 min of sleep
36 - Mo - Comic X-Ray vision, see through walls, clothes, etc.
37 - He - Can fly with a max speed equal to max running speed
38 - Ba - While concentrating can create flat, impenetrable, 3m x 3m barriers
39 - Nb - Can fuse and unfuse 2 objects by placing them together
40 - Th - Powerful hammer that you summon at will
41 - Ru - Create electrical shocks as powerful as a car battery from your body
** - Th+Ru - Create 1 lightning strike per day
42 - Ca - From death until all your bones are crushed you will be an undead

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