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Original Contribution

Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 13, 202--207

Effect of low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound treatment on

anthropometry, subcutaneous adipose tissue, and body composition
of young normal weight females
Chiara Milanese, BSc, Valentina Cavedon, BSc, Francesco Piscitelli, BSc, & Carlo Zancanaro, MD
Laboratory of Anthropometry and Body Composition, Department of Neurological and Movement Sciences, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

Summary Background Low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound is increasingly being used for

noninvasive, external body contouring as an alternative to liposuction or laser
Objectives To evaluate the effect of chronic localized treatment with a novel
ultrasound device on subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness and fat mass in young,
normal weight women.
Methods Twenty-eight females (mean age = 25.5  0.66 [SE] year, mean
BMI = 22.1  0.37 kg/m2) underwent a 10-week bilateral treatment with the device in
the gluteus–buttock–thigh area (Lipolysis program: ultrasound frequency = 150 kHz;
power = 1.65 W/cm2), 48 min per session, two sessions a week. Subcutaneous
adipose tissue thickness and fat mass were evaluated before and after treatment with
ultrasound and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, respectively.
Results Treatment was well tolerated by all participants. At the end of treatment,
statistically significant reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness was found
bilaterally at the gluteus and thigh site ( 2.03  2.79%). Trunk and lower limb
fat mass were reduced as well ( 3.48  3.97%).
Conclusions A 10-week, low-intensity, low-frequency localized external ultrasound
treatment is effective in reducing adipose tissue in females.
Keywords: low-intensity ultrasound, low-frequency ultrasound, DXA, fat, esthetic

is similar to that for car accidents (16 per 100 000).1

Complications can include embolism, changes in sensa-
A growing number of people, especially females, desire tion, infections, visceral perforations, swelling, scars,
to improve body contours, seeking for cosmetic solutions and contour irregularities.2 Cost is also an issue.
for the removal of excess subcutaneous fat tissue. While A wide range of nonsurgical technologies such as ra-
surgical procedures such as liposuction allow the diofrequency ablation,3 cryolipolysis,4 injection lipoly-
removal of excess fat tissues in specific body areas, these sis,5 external low-level lasers,6 and laser ablation7 are
procedures have limitations and possible complications. currently available to perform esthetic body sculpting.
It has been claimed that the death rate from liposuction Each of these treatments can be administered in an
outpatient setting with little or no need for anesthesia
Correspondence: C Zancanaro, Department of Neurological and Move- or analgesia and typically result in fewer complications
ment Sciences, Strada Le Grazie, 8. I-37134 Verona, Italy. E-mail: carlo. than liposuction. Ultrasound (US) is a mechanical compression wave
Accepted for publication June 5, 2014 with a frequency above the range of human hearing

202 © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Ultrasound reduction of adipose tissue . C Milanese et al.

(>20 kHz) which is characterized by intensity, Subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness was measured
expressed in W/cm2, and frequency, expressed as kilo- with a Chinson 600M (2009 version) Ultrasound Sys-
hertz (kHz) or megahertz (MHz).8 Ultrasonic waves tem (Chinson Medical Imaging Co. Ltd., Wuxi City,
penetrate through tissue losing energy as they are China), equipped with display-screen and freeze-frame
reflected, scattered, or absorbed by the tissues they capacity. A 7.5-MHz linear array (detecting depth
encounter. US is widely used in medicine for diagnostic ≥80 mm; lateral resolution ≤1 mm [depth ≤60 mm];
applications. Diagnostic US typically generates waves axial resolution ≤1 mm [depth ≤80] according to the
of low intensity (range 0.1–3 W/cm2) and high fre- manufacturer) was used while capturing the image in
quency (range 1–20 MHz). Therapeutic US is less B-mode, and a transmission gel was applied to the
widely used, although it can induce a range of biologi- array of the transducer. Measurements were taken at
cal effects at very different acoustic parameters. US two sites (thigh and gluteus) on both sides of the sub-
used for physical therapy generate high-frequency ject excluding skin thickness. The sites and the position
(1–3 MHz), low-intensity (0.5–3 W/cm2) ultrasonic measurements were as follows: gluteus, mid-point
waves.9 US is increasingly being used in esthetic medi- between the great trochanter and the coccyx, mea-
cine to induce external lipolysis in subcutaneous adi- sured in prone decubitus; and thigh, mid-point
pose tissue, thereby reducing the local fat deposits; the between the great trochanter and the mid-thigh, mea-
involved procedures are safe and well tolerated.10,11 sured in lateral decubitus. Each site was marked with
US devices use either high-intensity (>3 W/cm2) US a ballpoint pen, and the transducer was then held
working primarily through a thermal mechanism or manually on the marked site without depression of the
low-intensity US working primarily through a nonther- dermal surface. To assure accurate depth readings, the
mal (mechanical) mechanism, creating repeated com- transducer was held in a vertical position, perpendicu-
pressions and rarefactions in target tissues.10 lar to the tissue interfaces at each site. Three indepen-
This work is aimed at verifying the effect of chronic dent measurements were taken at each site (for a total
localized US treatment on subcutaneous adipose tissue of 12 images/subject). All measurements were per-
thickness and fat mass in young, normal weight formed by one operator (VC) to ensure consistency.
women using a novel device exploiting low-intensity, The standard error of measurement for triplicate mea-
low-frequency US delivery. Obtaining a significant surements in ten subjects was 0.817 mm and
reduction of fat at the total body or regional level 0.615 mm at the gluteus and thigh site, respectively.
would be of use to many people experiencing reduced Total body and regional fat mass were evaluated by
physical activity and weight gain. means of dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA)
using a total body scanner (QDR Explorer W, Hologic,
MA, USA; fan-bean technology, software for Windows
Material and methods
XP version 12.6.1) according to the manufacturer’s
Twenty-eight healthy active female volunteers from procedures. All analyses were performed by one opera-
the Sports and Exercise School of the University of Ve- tor (VC) to ensure consistency. For the regional body
rona were enrolled in this study upon signed informed composition estimations, Hologic software readings
consent. The protocol was in accordance to the Hel- divide the body into up to eight regions. In this work,
sinki Declaration (2008 revision) and was approved by we identified two regions namely the trunk and the
the local institutional review board. Inclusion criteria lower limb as depicted in Figure 1.
were age >18 year <30 year, a record of moderate For US treatment, the Lipozero G39 pro, a CE class I
physical activity, no pharmaceutical drug intake affect- device featuring a maximal power of 3 W/cm2 (Glob-
ing body composition in past 3 months, and no signs/ usItalia, Codogne, Treviso, Italy) was used. US delivery
symptoms of disease. Exclusion criteria were over- was by direct contact to the skin with the aid of a
weight (body mass index [kg/m2], BMI > 25), ongoing proper conductive gel. US was delivered by the subject
hypocaloric diet, and agonistic sport activity. All sub- herself upon proper instruction from a researcher
jects were asked not to change alimentary habits or according to the Lipolysis program CAVI-MAX
level of physical exercise during treatment. 150 kHz already implemented in the device. US fre-
Body mass was taken at the nearest 0.1 kg with an quency was 150 kHz, power was 1.65 W/cm2, and
electronic scale (Tanita electronic scale BWB-800 MA emission was pulsed (1 Hz) with a 60% duty cycle. US
[Wunder SA.BI. Srl], max 200 kg); stature was mea- was delivered at the thigh–buttock–gluteal area bilater-
sured with a Harpenden stadiometer (Holtain Ltd., Cry- ally for a total of 48 min/session (24 min each side).
mych, UK) at the nearest mm. Subjects had two sessions per week for 10 weeks.

© 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 203

Ultrasound reduction of adipose tissue . C Milanese et al.

Safety parameters evaluated included adverse events, are reported as means  standard error of the mean
local skin reaction, and pain. Efficacy parameters eval- (SEM).
uated included comparison of before and after thick-
ness of subcutaneous adipose tissue, fat mass, and
percent fat mass.
Normality of data was assessed with the Kolmogo- The 28 subjects participating in this study had mean
rov–Smirnov test. Changes in the anthropometry and age 25.5  0.66 year, mean stature 166.6  1.05 cm,
body composition parameters after treatment were mean body mass 61.4  1.10 kg, and mean BMI
investigated by paired-samples t-test. Correlation was 22.1  0.37 kg/m2.
tested calculating the r (Pearson’s) correlation coeffi- The treatment was well tolerated by all participants.
cient. Predictivity was explored using linear regression At the end of each session, the involved skin region
analysis. For all analyses, the SPSS for Windows ver- presented modest rubor. Participants did not refer dis-
sion 15.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used. Data comfort or pain during or after delivery of US.
In comparison with baseline values, mean body mass
and BMI were slightly reduced after treatment
( 0.55%), the difference being not significant.
Whole-body DXA analysis showed that fat mass and
percent fat mass significantly reduced after treatment
(Figs 2 and 3) ( 3.48%, t = 2.797, P = 0.009;
0.79%, t = 3.044, P = 0.005, respectively). Regional
DXA analysis showed significant reduction of fat mass
and percent fat mass after treatment (Figs 2 and 3) in
the trunk ( 3.97%, t = 2.440, P = 0.022; 0.72%,
t = 2.369, P = 0.025, respectively), left leg ( 3.86%,
t = 3.424, P = 0.002; 0.89%, t = 3.450, P = 0.002,
respectively), and right leg ( 2.62%, t = 2.269,
P = 0.032; 0.83%, t = 2.833, P = 0.009, respec-
Subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness measured
with US at the gluteal and thigh site showed signifi-
cant bilateral reduction after treatment (Figs 4 and 5)
(right gluteus: 2.03%, t = 4.696, P < 0.001; left glu-
teus 1.86%, t = 4.142, P < 0.001; right thigh:
2.79%, t = 4.853, P < 0.001; left thigh: 2.78%,
t = 4.360, P < 0.001).

Figure 1 Representative DXA whole-body scan. Lines are drawn Figure 2 Regional and total body DXA-measured fat mass at
according to the manufacturer’s instructions to identify several baseline (dark gray) and after (light gray) a 10-week treatment
body regions. The two regions considered in this work are with low-frequency, low-intensity external ultrasound. *P < 0.05,
labeled: T, trunk region; and L, lower limb region **P < 0.01

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Ultrasound reduction of adipose tissue . C Milanese et al.

before and after treatment. Significant correlations

(r = 0.382  0.780, P = 0.045  0.0001) were found
between bilateral (dx + sin) change (post minus pre) in
US-measured subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness at
the gluteal and thigh site and the corresponding DXA-
measured regional (trunk and lower limbs) change in
fat mass and percent fat mass.
Linear regression analysis showed that bilateral
(dx + sin) change (post minus pre) in US-measured
subcutaneous adipose tissue thickness at the gluteal,
and thigh site is a significant predictor DXA-measured
Figure 3 Percent regional and total body DXA-measured fat fat parameters (fat mass and percent fat mass) change
mass at baseline (dark gray) and after (light gray) a 10-week
treatment with low-frequency, low-intensity external ultrasound.
in the corresponding regions (trunk fat mass: adjusted
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.113, P = 0.045;
percent trunk fat: adjusted R2 = 0.184, P = 0.022;
lower limbs fat mass: adjusted R2 = 0.504,
P = 0.0001; lower limbs percent fat: adjusted
R2 = 0.512, P = 0.0001).

Results of this work show that a 10-week treatment
(two 48 min sessions per week) with localized low-fre-
quency, low-intensity, pulsed US is able to reduce sub-
cutaneous adipose tissue thickness and regional fat
mass in young nonobese female.
In recent years, a trend emerged toward less invasive
body contouring procedures as a possible alternative to
liposuction. US has been used in esthetic body contour-
ing dates since the late 1980s.12 However, usage of
Figure 4 Ultrasound measured thickness of subcutaneous adi- early ultrasound devices for use in body contouring
pose tissue at baseline (dark gray) and after (light gray) a 10-
week treatment with low-frequency, low-intensity external ultra-
was associated with complications, probably due to the
sound. ***P < 0.001 high ultrasonic energy output associated with these
devices.13 To date, a number of noninvasive devices in
use for body contouring are ultrasonic energy based. In
Significant correlations (r = 0.613  0.815, P < 2011, about 300 000 noninvasive contouring or tight-
0.001 for all) were found between US-measured subcu- ening procedures were reported in the United States.14
taneous fat thickness at the gluteal and thigh site and While data on thermal ablation of adipose tissue with
the corresponding DXA-measured regional (trunk and US are rather abundant,15 information on the effects of
leg) fat parameters (fat mass and percent fat mass) both US exploiting mechanical US ablation (cavitation) is

Figure 5 Left panel: representative picture showing application of ultrasound treatment in the thigh region. Middle and right panel:
ultrasound imaging of the thigh skin and subcutis before and after treatment, respectively. Note reduction in the thickness of subcutane-
ous fat after treatment

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Ultrasound reduction of adipose tissue . C Milanese et al.

scarce. In the past, this kind of US has typically been supplying the LipozeroG39pro devices used in this
used for US physiotherapy16 receiving FDA approval.17 work at no cost. This study was supported by a grant
As cavitation does not work primarily through heating, from the University of Verona (Joint Projects 2010) to
it may be appropriate for the long-term treatment of CM. FP and VC are in the PhD program “Multimodal
nonobese subjects with localized adiposity. Imaging in Biomedicine” at the University of Verona.
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