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Stage 1:

Description of my best friend

My best friend is called Clarena Sanchez, she is my cousin and she is 39

years old and we have known each other since I was 11 years old
because we live together in the same house. She lives in Barranquilla
with her children and husband.
She is a housewife and is also dedicated to selling products online, such
as clothes and accessories.

She is tall, thin, her hair is brown.

She is very calm, dedicated to her home, she is very discreet and
trustworthy when secrets are told to her, she is friendly and honest.

She likes to be an enterprising and independent woman, she likes to

have everything in order and she likes to go out and exercise, especially
riding a bicycle.

Stage 2:
Realizar las actividades y estudiar los contenidos gramaticales de los
módulos del 1 al 4. Del E-book encontrado en el entorno de Aprendizaje
“Learning Environment” Contenido en línea / E-book - Online Content.
Debe publicar en el trabajo final las evidencias del desarrollo del
contenido en el E-Book. Para esa evidencia debe ir al E-Book – Lateral
izquierdo Profile.
Stage 3:
• Desarrollar el ejercicio del E- Book módulo 2 – Actividad 2.
Las oraciones deben ser compartidas en el foro para recibir
realimentación del tutor
Stage 4: Mira las imágenes. Escribe una historia mostrada en las
• Escribe 100 palabras o más.
La historia debe ser compartida en el foro

Stage 5:
• Consolidar Stage 1- Stage 2- Stage 3- Y Stage 4 en un documento
PDF queserá
entregado en el entorno de evaluación.
• El documento debe contar con portada y las normas APA

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