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- Of all the subjects you have taken in your SHS under the STEM strand, which among them

gave you the highest grade, and why it encourages you to take up engineering?

Calculus and Physics, this is one of the core subjects in engineering and it also encourage me to
pursue engineering because of my given talent which helps me perform my best in this course.

- Of all the subjects you have taken in your SHS under the STEM strand, which among them
were poorly discussed and why? And as a result, do you find them in your current applied
math and science subjects in civil engineering?

Biology and Chemistry, these subjects had pushed me to my limits of my understanding but still
struggle just because of the poor understanding given to us by the designated professor that time.
It doesn’t personally affect me with my performance towards applied mathematics and sciences
because, with different kind of modules I also tried to teach myself but also, I participate in online
lectures with different engineers when I was having my summer break.

- Calculus subject is one of the basic foundation math subjects in civil engineering, how do
you rate your academic performance in this subject? Give a brief explanation.

Out of 10 I would rate my performance as 8. Why, given that this is one of the foundation math
subjects in civil engineering I tend to make some mistakes but also, I can perform very well in
calculus because I have a brief understanding on the background topics of calculus and its

- Among the tracks and areas of specialization in civil engineering, which among them are do
you see yourself as a successful engineer in the future and why?

Structural engineer, as a student who has a background with designs and logical thinking with
buildings, I think that this is where my talent would fit. Also, as a critical thinker this can help me
on my projects to provide a good foundation and a good outcome on the project that I will be
working on.

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