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Edward Dunne


“Eddie” was not a bright kid. He ended up graduating high school middle of the pack. With no real future
prospects, he joined the military. Ending up as a part of Desert Storm, Eddie came back a little different.
He let everything in his life fall apart, and moved from his home of Arizona to California, wandering and
pandering. By this point, he’s an undiagnosed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder case, and he lives off of the
streets and cons people out of money, though often times he has to resort to outright stealing. Ending
up in San Francisco, he was attacked in an alley by some punker. This punker proved to be a lot stronger
than the usual, as he was a brujah out for a laugh and a bite. Eddie, all of his past rushing back, fought
back, and actually managed to get a thumb into the attacker’s eye before the bite. The brujah was so
impressed, he embraced him right there.

Early Undeath

The passivity of San Francisco both served Eddie well and pissed him off. After some unpleasant
interactions with the Sabbat and meeting a few Oregon Cammies, Eddie started to seek out other
options, leading him to a massive group of anarchs in his own city. He fell in with them immediately, and
despite constant aggravation from the Camarilla, life was good. For the next few years, he fell into a
niche, cultivating more friends. After almost eight years in one place, the Eastern Kindred advance took
San Francisco, and despite fighting back, the cost in blood was too high. Moving north to Sacramento,
Eddie started to look for greener pastures. Most of the anarchs scattered.

After a brief span touring the United States with a biker gang of anarchs, he received an email from Tara,
and made his way to Louisiana.

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