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Timestamp Score NAME CLASS

3/14/2022 5:33:03 4 / 100 Novia wahyu nur pratamX IPS 1

3/14/2022 5:45:48 20 / 100 Yunita Sari Dewi X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:46:10 20 / 100 Muhammad amirudin X IPS 4
3/14/2022 5:47:14 28 / 100 Yulis Setiyani X IPS 1
3/14/2022 5:48:18 24 / 100 Fitri puspitasari X IPS 4
3/14/2022 5:48:59 28 / 100 APRELIA ARINI X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:51:40 20 / 100 Faniya Cahya Hidayah X IPS 4
3/14/2022 5:52:58 36 / 100 Oktapianus X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:54:06 28 / 100 Huda guntur maulana X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:54:07 24 / 100 Dinita Nur Laili X IPS 1
3/14/2022 5:54:13 20 / 100 Jd X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 5:54:22 12 / 100 Agung Wicaksono X IPS 5
3/14/2022 5:54:35 16 / 100 Refita puji astutik X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:54:43 32 / 100 Avif Aditya Nugraha X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:55:59 44 / 100 Latinsa Zukhruf MuflikhuX IPS 5
3/14/2022 5:56:48 20 / 100 Risky Sandra Fatmawati X IPS 4
3/14/2022 5:58:14 16 / 100 Siwik. Astuti X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:58:47 36 / 100 Putri cahyaningrum X IPS 5
3/14/2022 5:58:55 16 / 100 Intan Nur Azizah X IPS 2
3/14/2022 5:59:01 28 / 100 Yuso Budi Pangarso X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:00:11 24 / 100 Zelvisca Azalea X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:00:18 36 / 100 Bagus laksono wijaya X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:00:32 40 / 100 Ruri Cahyana X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:01:44 24 / 100 Nita febriani X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:02:44 32 / 100 DIMAS MAHESYAR K X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:03:08 40 / 100 Al Aisyah X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:03:08 24 / 100 Anisa Maya safana X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:03:10 20 / 100 IKANIA RAHMAWATI X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:03:11 24 / 100 DEA PUTRI NIRMALA X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:03:14 20 / 100 Abiamanyu Satrio birowoX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:03:28 60 / 100 Destania putri murniastutX IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:06:26 44 / 100 Roro agistra handayani X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:06:38 56 / 100 LUPITA DEWI RAHAYUX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:07:01 12 / 100 Devira iedha Andres variX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:07:36 32 / 100 Lulu Arieska X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:08:04 32 / 100 Dwi Pertiwi X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:08:28 48 / 100 Amalia nur janah X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:08:34 80 / 100 Anandita nur Aisyah X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:09:18 20 / 100 Ilham indra saputra X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:09:44 44 / 100 Risky Amillia X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:10:02 44 / 100 Indri Mia sari rowo X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:10:15 24 / 100 ANGGI DWI LIYAS SAPX IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:10:24 36 / 100 Erik Dwi Hariyadi X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:10:35 76 / 100 Romadoni Fahtir FahresiX IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:10:40 36 / 100 Fadhil Rafa muttaqin X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:10:43 52 / 100 Etika Marsita Dewi X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:11:41 40 / 100 Alzara Khoirul Permata X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:11:45 64 / 100 Alimah Zafariyan X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:11:46 48 / 100 DEA ROFIANA WIDIATIX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:11:55 48 / 100 RIZKI KURNIAWAN X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:12:00 32 / 100 Defita Arba'atun Khasan X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:12:04 36 / 100 Desvita Komala Dewi X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:12:12 48 / 100 Linda Ramadhani X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:12:14 24 / 100 Fani Dwi Afdilla X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:12:15 52 / 100 SALMAH AYU PUTRI MX MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:12:32 56 / 100 Ilham Rosyid Ridho X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:12:34 32 / 100 Agnes Novita Lestari X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:12:39 44 / 100 Rina Oktavia X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:12:47 16 / 100 Puput zahra ningrum X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:12:54 36 / 100 Rian nur rahmad X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:13:03 40 / 100 Ramadhani trisnadewi X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:13:13 48 / 100 Muhammad Rizki SuryanX MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:13:20 16 / 100 Revanda X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:13:27 20 / 100 Rexy sri jati murti X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:13:38 24 / 100 Evra ego Setyantoro X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:13:53 52 / 100 Marsella Kurdianawati X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:13:56 72 / 100 Anggin Gustia Rahma DhX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:13:57 48 / 100 VITA INDAH KUSUMA WX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:14:01 52 / 100 Gebyar Mulyani X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:14:07 24 / 100 Eki yuli rismawati X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:14:08 40 / 100 Winda Devi Novitasari X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:14:09 44 / 100 Bagus adi santoso X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:14:43 52 / 100 Aida Kamila Munisa X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:14:47 48 / 100 MONIKA SETIOWATI X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:14:56 52 / 100 Riyan Chandra Dhinata X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:15:06 56 / 100 Alma Aziza Ramadhani X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:15:14 16 / 100 Anis tri Kurniawati X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:15:17 40 / 100 Intan Viviana Saputri Wi X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:15:36 48 / 100 Gilang Tanjung Saputra X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:15:40 68 / 100 Meita Ratna Asih X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:15:44 24 / 100 suwardani X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:15:46 24 / 100 Khosyi nassrulloh X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:15:52 36 / 100 Alifah Aulia Nurdinni X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:15:54 68 / 100 Tri Fatmawati X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:16:07 68 / 100 NABILA FIKRIA NUR R X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:16:21 28 / 100 Imron Bahtiar Fuady X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:16:27 40 / 100 Evaria Stefhani X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:16:35 56 / 100 Yunita Anggraini PuspitaX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:16:59 60 / 100 Anwar Nur Azis X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:17:00 40 / 100 HESTI SOLIKAH X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:17:02 52 / 100 Sasa Setiani X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:17:02 40 / 100 Safira Nayla Zulaikha AndX MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:17:11 24 / 100 Rio Angga Saputra X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:17:14 40 / 100 Febrian surya saputra X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:17:33 56 / 100 SITA DWI UTAMI X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:17:40 28 / 100 SEFTIANA NOVITA X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:18:02 48 / 100 Novan Dava Wardana X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:18:02 48 / 100 NOVIA ANGGA RISKA X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:18:07 56 / 100 VINANDA YUKA HESTIAX IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:18:14 28 / 100 Vika Aleksi Leirisa X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:18:23 24 / 100 ARVANDA SWINGKI X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:18:39 36 / 100 Riynata anjarsari X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:18:40 40 / 100 Nova anjar septiana X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:18:54 36 / 100 Faizuna aulya rizqina X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:18:58 52 / 100 Aisyah Silvi Agnesia X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:19:02 60 / 100 AMANDA NUR KHOTIMX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:19:12 76 / 100 EMKA VALE FATAH HILX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:19:16 32 / 100 Ainur Rahma X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:19:37 36 / 100 Zaed Rudika X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:19:42 24 / 100 ILHAM MUHAMMAD DAX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:19:42 48 / 100 Shasha Nabila Putri A X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:19:52 12 / 100 Tri Nonik Apriliya X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:19:56 84 / 100 Luthfiani Anabella Puter X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:19:57 68 / 100 Sherin Rahma Alifia X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:20:05 12 / 100 Afri Nur Hasanah X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:20:09 24 / 100 Devinda uswatun khasa X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:20:15 32 / 100 Titin Agustina Syahrani X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:20:21 24 / 100 Anas Urbaningrum X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:20:29 48 / 100 Dewi mustikasari X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:20:42 40 / 100 putri merlina prabawanti X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:20:44 56 / 100 Isna Aini Muthi'ah X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:20:44 72 / 100 Mifza Oktira Khairinizar X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:20:50 88 / 100 DIVA LYRA MARDANI X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:20:51 24 / 100 Veri Anjar Saputro X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:20:57 36 / 100 Galih pandu pranata X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:20:59 44 / 100 Nabila Auri Aprilia X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:21:00 16 / 100 Andriyanto X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:21:01 84 / 100 Yulianingsih X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:21:02 40 / 100 UMMUL AFFAH AZ, ZA X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:21:03 20 / 100 Arini Afidatun Rodiyah X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:21:04 40 / 100 Muhamad Mukhlisin X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:21:05 52 / 100 Yuliyanti Rahayu X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:21:05 40 / 100 MUHAMMAD ARDAN HU X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:21:08 24 / 100 Ondi rodik permana X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:21:11 20 / 100 Enistya Ekawati X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:21:16 16 / 100 AQILA SIVA TRISNI X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:21:21 32 / 100 Riana Rahmadani X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:21:22 64 / 100 Rima Meisa Ningrum X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:21:27 84 / 100 AULIA KHUSNUL KHOTX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:21:34 36 / 100 Etsa Hafiz Ramdini X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:21:45 20 / 100 Andika Wahyu Pratama X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:21:50 56 / 100 Faisal Amiruddin X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:21:51 64 / 100 azahra amalia putri X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:21:56 72 / 100 IIN SUSTIANI X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:22:03 52 / 100 Faiz Nashrullah X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:22:05 52 / 100 Fadly Khusna IchwanudiX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:22:06 52 / 100 Luluk nur fadilloh X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:22:10 40 / 100 SEPTIANA KHONSA ROX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:22:14 40 / 100 Ngaisatun Nur Marfiah X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:22:26 48 / 100 Fatah kurnia wicaksono X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:22:29 76 / 100 Evita Wahyu Kinasih X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:22:34 36 / 100 Anjelita Noviana Dwi AnaX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:22:37 36 / 100 Mira Aprilia X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:22:37 48 / 100 DIAH ISLAMIYAH X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:22:45 24 / 100 Didik Ali N X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:22:51 20 / 100 Ahnaf Dzikra Mushaffa X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:22:51 36 / 100 Vika Amelia Putri RamdhX IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:22:52 64 / 100 Dedes Dwi Iswari X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:22:54 36 / 100 ANNISA NUR HALIMAHX IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:22:57 36 / 100 Iska Nuraini X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:23:05 28 / 100 DEVITA SETYANINGRUX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:23:14 68 / 100 Wori Hanifa Virasti X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:23:17 16 / 100 ARIS EKA WAHYU RIZKX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:23:24 24 / 100 Ninik nuryani X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:23:25 52 / 100 Liling Nur Mafisa X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:23:26 52 / 100 Zohal pradipa X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:23:26 52 / 100 Candra Pamudika MaulaX IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:23:27 40 / 100 griselda andini anggun pu X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:23:36 52 / 100 Ahmad Ruziq Al MubarokX IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:23:38 28 / 100 Berlian X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:23:39 56 / 100 Atik Sri Wahyuni X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:23:41 52 / 100 CHINTYA AMELIANA X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:23:47 44 / 100 Shella Rahma Desika X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:23:50 32 / 100 Indah nurhayati X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:24:02 16 / 100 Eka ramadhan X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:24:06 28 / 100 ADITAMA HIDAYATULLX IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:24:07 72 / 100 Mutiara Wendie X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:24:08 16 / 100 caantika armatia sari X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:24:14 40 / 100 Alynda Caronina Al Isti X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:24:15 44 / 100 NURUL APRILIA X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:24:15 56 / 100 Pipit verlita nurfaziah X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:24:19 56 / 100 RIA CHAICCARANY X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:24:20 44 / 100 Listya Firza Maharani X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:24:21 32 / 100 Nonik Anisa Sumarnis X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:24:22 48 / 100 Jossella Indah Puji AstutiX MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:24:24 48 / 100 Faton yudhistira X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:24:26 52 / 100 Riska Margawati X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:24:27 64 / 100 Annisa Arrasyidah X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:24:30 68 / 100 I Wayan Satya DS X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:24:33 80 / 100 Azizah Maharani X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:24:34 60 / 100 NADIA KHAYANA TANTX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:24:36 52 / 100 Nadia Irma Puspitasari X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:24:38 76 / 100 Ahya Artha Aulia Yahya X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:24:43 44 / 100 Ambar kusuma n X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:24:50 52 / 100 Kirani isabella vicka sari X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:24:52 72 / 100 Sieva Elya Wijaya X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:24:53 44 / 100 Veronica Dinda Harserli X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:24:53 52 / 100 Viona tri anjani X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:25:01 52 / 100 Anindhita irawati X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:25:01 92 / 100 Abdila rohmania sholihahX IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:25:03 60 / 100 Kiki mei lina X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:25:09 20 / 100 Rena kusuma wati X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:25:13 48 / 100 Eva Nur Hidayah X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:25:13 56 / 100 Chindhi khumai akaniri X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:25:19 68 / 100 Rangga Ramdhoni A X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:25:20 36 / 100 Vira Anastasya Putri SuhX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:25:23 32 / 100 Wahyu imam akbar pradX IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:25:27 20 / 100 Muhammad muharam X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:25:37 28 / 100 Ibnu hermawan X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:25:38 20 / 100 Muhammad fauzan X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:25:40 24 / 100 Ihsan udin X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:25:41 40 / 100 Faridhatul fitriya ningrumX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:25:42 64 / 100 Amanda Hasna Nur Fitri X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:25:48 56 / 100 Aziizah Rahmadani X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:25:56 60 / 100 Angela Winantia Putri X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:25:56 60 / 100 UNTSA KHASNAK LIB X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:25:56 60 / 100 Dela nur Fadilah X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:25:57 60 / 100 MUTHMAINNAH X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:26:04 28 / 100 Novia Ramadani X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:26:05 36 / 100 INDAH PERMATA ROMX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:26:07 72 / 100 Dewy Sulistyowati X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:26:12 76 / 100 ERLINA ANANDA FITRI X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:26:13 36 / 100 Rivani audra anandira X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:26:14 52 / 100 Sania Triya RahmadhaniX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:26:14 36 / 100 Huana gladis ayu cantik X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:26:14 48 / 100 Citra ayu proboningrum X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:26:15 44 / 100 Windika Bela Nuraisyah X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:26:17 36 / 100 VIO SANDRINA X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:26:18 68 / 100 Sulistyowati madani X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:26:26 60 / 100 LATIFAH MIFTAKHUL X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:26:32 32 / 100 Zaskya adha ayu trimulyX IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:26:35 36 / 100 Firsta Oscar Aulia AnantX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:26:36 80 / 100 Selvy Putri Yustika X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:26:45 36 / 100 Nazwa Fatima Arrosyd X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:26:49 64 / 100 Narshellina Puspita Rah X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:26:59 32 / 100 Angga Bima Sena Sabast X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:27:01 24 / 100 Badruddiin maruuf X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:27:01 32 / 100 Amilia fitrah Ramadani X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:27:02 64 / 100 Imma Laillah Sari X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:27:02 24 / 100 Erlita Fazza Maudya X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:27:04 64 / 100 DEVITA AYU RAMADHAX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:27:07 32 / 100 Eka juniawati X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:27:13 28 / 100 Wildan Sigra Wizurai X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:27:15 56 / 100 Ridwan cahya saputra X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:27:20 52 / 100 Pramudya ningrum X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:27:21 44 / 100 Azizah Khusnul KhotimaX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:27:26 44 / 100 Amelia Putri Erina X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:27:42 40 / 100 Kevin Aditya putra nalenX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:27:42 20 / 100 FRIDA YUNI PRATIWI X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:27:47 56 / 100 CHUSNUN NUR SHOLEX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:27:57 56 / 100 RAISSA AURORA NAKEX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:27:58 72 / 100 Fahrizal Fajar Refaldi X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:27:59 56 / 100 Immah uswatun hasanahX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:28:01 28 / 100 Rifal Juniyanto X IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:28:05 68 / 100 Denik Tiyas Nur CahyaniX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:28:06 20 / 100 ULYA NISA'U RUSITA X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:28:13 56 / 100 MAGDALIH BENING KAX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:28:14 64 / 100 risa erra lutfia X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:28:15 40 / 100 Syaiful Fahrur Azhari X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:28:23 36 / 100 Reyfan wibi prayuda X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:28:23 36 / 100 Risma dwi yanti X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:28:31 16 / 100 Oktavia Rizka KhasanahX IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:28:39 44 / 100 viedia adind pratiwi X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:28:58 20 / 100 MUHAMMAD CHOIRUL X I IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:28:59 56 / 100 SUCI HANDAYANI X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:29:08 68 / 100 HURIN AQILLAH AZHARX IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:29:09 68 / 100 EBEN PRASETYO X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:29:12 52 / 100 Jesica Febriana Dyah RiX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:29:16 32 / 100 Seviana Kharista X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:29:17 24 / 100 Mukti Taufik Hidayat X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:29:20 24 / 100 Nabila rahmatika X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:29:21 32 / 100 Gilang Dewa Saputra X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:29:25 32 / 100 Fachrie haidar prayuda X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:29:28 72 / 100 Zakia Putri Junior X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:29:28 32 / 100 Rani Rahmawati X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:29:29 68 / 100 Aisah Nurhidayah X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:29:29 68 / 100 Ayunda Putri Aprilia X MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:29:39 60 / 100 Arsa Nadira Maylana X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:29:40 24 / 100 Mustofa Abiyahya X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:29:44 56 / 100 Adina Melati Putri SaidinX MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:30:02 76 / 100 Isabel Putri Cahyaningr X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:30:03 28 / 100 Ratna Anindita Aisyah X IPS 2
3/14/2022 6:30:06 28 / 100 Rama Aji Prasetyo X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:30:08 64 / 100 Juniartha Dias Sagita X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:30:11 64 / 100 Bela Wafiq Azizah X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:30:11 44 / 100 Vika lailatul marfuah X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:30:15 56 / 100 Vindhu Alvia Juniar AnggX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:30:27 44 / 100 Silviana Mardian Saputri X MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:30:34 20 / 100 Tri utaminingsih X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:30:42 28 / 100 Wisnu Radittya X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:30:42 52 / 100 ELIS CAHYA AMEYLIA X MIPA 1
3/14/2022 6:31:00 68 / 100 Qornan Oki Ayu Na'imahX MIPA 3
3/14/2022 6:31:20 24 / 100 Ramdani X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:31:43 36 / 100 Linda safitri X IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:31:44 24 / 100 Rafik Candra Nuur RoseX IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:33:04 32 / 100 Alfin nur khoirudin X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:33:07 32 / 100 Angelina azzahra NabillaX IPS 4
3/14/2022 6:34:02 28 / 100 Jaysa alydia X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:34:02 64 / 100 Rossidtha Widya FebriyaX IPS 5
3/14/2022 6:34:21 28 / 100 Roni Setiawan X IPS 1
3/14/2022 6:34:37 32 / 100 Ipo Tri Sanda X IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:34:38 36 / 100 KAKA ARDIANSYAH PUX IPS 3
3/14/2022 6:35:18 52 / 100 Nadita Endriyana MaharaX MIPA 4
3/14/2022 6:35:25 72 / 100 Anisa Fadila X MIPA 2
3/14/2022 6:37:48 32 / 100 Angelina azzahra NabillaX IPS 4
3/14/2022 14:23:32 20 / 100 candra pratama X IPS 5
NUMBER 1.The text mainly tells 2.At that time the beach 3.From the text it can b
26 A. the situation at the beA. quiet A. the water of the beach
33 C. the writer and his frie D. very clean D. there was no food sta
19 C. the writer and his frie C. crowded A. the water of the beach
34 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
13 C. the writer and his frie B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
5 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold D. there was no food sta
11 E. the water of the beachD. very clean C. the writer felt tired b
24 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
14 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
14 C. the writer and his frie C. crowded C. the writer felt tired b
3 A. the situation at the beA. quiet A. the water of the beach
3 C. the writer and his frie D. very clean D. there was no food sta
28 B. the writer and his fri D. very clean B. the beach is very clos
7 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
21 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet A. the water of the beach
25 D. the writer and his frie C. crowded B. the beach is very clos
29 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
27 A. the situation at the beE. really cold E. the beach is very cro
20 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold D. there was no food sta
33 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
36 A. the situation at the beA. quiet B. the beach is very clos
7 C. the writer and his frie B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
28 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
24 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
13 C. the writer and his frie B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
4 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
6 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
19 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
9 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
1 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
14 C. the writer and his frie B. sunny A. the water of the beach
30 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
24 A. the situation at the beA. quiet B. the beach is very clos
10 A. the situation at the beC. crowded A. the water of the beach
22 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
9 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
2 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
6 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
20 E. the water of the beachB. sunny A. the water of the beach
29 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
19 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
6 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
12 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
29 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
12 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
10 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
1 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
2 A. the situation at the beA. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
6 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
27 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
12 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
9 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
16 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
19 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
30 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
16 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
2 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
28 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
24 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold D. there was no food sta
28 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
28 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold E. the beach is very cro
22 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
21 D. the writer and his frie D. very clean D. there was no food sta
23 A. the situation at the beD. very clean D. there was no food sta
13 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
20 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
4 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
32 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
16 A. the situation at the beA. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
11 A. the situation at the beB. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
33 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
6 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
3 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
21 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
28 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
3 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
5 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
17 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
16 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
21 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
30 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet D. there was no food sta
19 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
2 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
34 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
23 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
17 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
18 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
35 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
8 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
17 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
31 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
29 A. the situation at the beC. crowded E. the beach is very cro
26 A. the situation at the beC. crowded B. the beach is very clos
12 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
32 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
31 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
25 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
25 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
32 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
30 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
9 D. the writer and his frie C. crowded E. the beach is very cro
30 D. the writer and his frie C. crowded E. the beach is very cro
20 D. the writer and his frie C. crowded E. the beach is very cro
15 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
1 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
5 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
16 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
3 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
34 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
21 D. the writer and his frie C. crowded E. the beach is very cro
29 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
31 C. the writer and his frie C. crowded D. there was no food sta
23 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
31 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
1 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
9 C. the writer and his frie C. crowded B. the beach is very clos
30 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold A. the water of the beach
1 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold E. the beach is very cro
11 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
27 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
18 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
20 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
11 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
32 A. the situation at the beB. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
15 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
22 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
4 C. the writer and his frie B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
34 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
31 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
5 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet A. the water of the beach
18 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
33 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
23 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
25 A. the situation at the beB. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
8 A. the situation at the beA. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
6 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
22 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
24 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
2 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
17 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
2 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
13 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet E. the beach is very cro
3 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
18 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
14 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet E. the beach is very cro
16 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet E. the beach is very cro
23 E. the water of the beachE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
33 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
27 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
13 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
12 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
7 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
21 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
9 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
12 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
1 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
31 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
7 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
4 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
12 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
10 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold E. the beach is very cro
36 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
8 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny A. the water of the beach
23 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
22 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
34 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet E. the beach is very cro
10 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet E. the beach is very cro
19 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
1 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet E. the beach is very cro
9 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
7 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
8 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
33 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
18 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
15 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
2 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
23 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
4 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
4 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
26 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
25 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
21 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
22 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
28 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
19 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
10 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
30 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
5 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
17 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
8 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
23 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
24 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
2 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
3 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
20 B. the writer and his fri B. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
25 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
33 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
32 B. the writer and his fri B. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
7 B. the writer and his fri B. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
1 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
17 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
27 A. the situation at the beE. really cold A. the water of the beach
11 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
5 A. the situation at the beA. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
27 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
31 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
34 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
29 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
15 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
25 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
11 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
12 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
3 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
5 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
3 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
29 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
13 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
22 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
21 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
16 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
8 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
15 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
27 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
28 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
20 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
8 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
34 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
35 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
33 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
16 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
34 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
14 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
32 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
19 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
18 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
5 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
8 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
4 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
15 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
9 B. the writer and his fri C. crowded E. the beach is very cro
7 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
10 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
33 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
23 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
26 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
7 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
3 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
15 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
14 A. the situation at the beE. really cold E. the beach is very cro
10 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
20 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
17 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
21 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
29 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
8 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
32 A. the situation at the beE. really cold A. the water of the beach
24 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
29 D. the writer and his frie C. crowded D. there was no food sta
28 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
24 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold E. the beach is very cro
26 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
22 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
30 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
24 A. the situation at the beC. crowded E. the beach is very cro
27 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
18 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
12 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
13 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
32 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
20 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet D. there was no food sta
22 A. the situation at the beE. really cold A. the water of the beach
18 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
11 A. the situation at the beB. sunny C. the writer felt tired b
35 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
26 A. the situation at the beB. sunny E. the beach is very cro
4 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
6 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
6 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
21 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
1 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
14 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
27 C. the writer and his frie D. very clean B. the beach is very clos
26 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
14 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
9 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
34 E. the water of the beachE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
32 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
26 B. the writer and his fri E. really cold D. there was no food sta
31 A. the situation at the beE. really cold A. the water of the beach
35 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
13 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
25 D. the writer and his frie E. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
29 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
17 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
25 C. the writer and his frie E. really cold B. the beach is very clos
2 A. the situation at the beA. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
4 C. the writer and his frie D. very clean B. the beach is very clos
15 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet B. the beach is very clos
31 A. the situation at the beE. really cold C. the writer felt tired b
30 D. the writer and his frie B. sunny E. the beach is very cro
13 C. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
16 A. the situation at the beA. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
17 A. the situation at the beE. really cold B. the beach is very clos
6 D. the writer and his frie A. quiet C. the writer felt tired b
4 B. the writer and his fri B. sunny B. the beach is very clos
11 B. the writer and his fri A. quiet D. there was no food sta
4.What is the reason be 5. 6.How many times Dutch7.What is the next mainl
A. Recklessness A. Include B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poD. Could be B. 7 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness C. Exclude B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
C. Shifting in power C. Exclude A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness A. Include D. 9 E. The writer moved to
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poD. Could be D. 9 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness E. Might be B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
C. Shifting in power D. Could be D. 9 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poE. Might be C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
C. Shifting in power E. Might be C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
C. Shifting in power B. Consist B. 7 D. The writer’s trip to cli
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered C. Exclude B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness E. Might be A. 6 E. The writer moved to
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include E. 10 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include E. 10 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include E. 10 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered D. Could be A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
C. Shifting in power C. Exclude B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
C. Shifting in power D. Could be E. 10 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
C. Shifting in power D. Could be B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
C. Shifting in power B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
C. Shifting in power B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
A. Recklessness A. Include B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poC. Exclude B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poE. Might be B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
C. Shifting in power D. Could be C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poD. Could be B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 D. The writer’s trip to cli
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered E. Might be B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poE. Might be B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poE. Might be C. 8 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 B. The writer’s impressio
A. Recklessness A. Include D. 9 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poE. Might be B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered C. Exclude A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
A. Recklessness A. Include A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 D. The writer’s trip to cli
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy E. Might be B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poC. Exclude B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist E. 10 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 E. The writer moved to
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 E. The writer moved to
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poC. Exclude B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
C. Shifting in power B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy D. Could be D. 9 D. The writer’s trip to cli
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
E. Outnumbered B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist D. 9 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
C. Shifting in power B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered A. Include A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 C. The writer’s unforgett
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include C. 8 B. The writer’s impressio
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
E. Outnumbered B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy A. Include A. 6 E. The writer moved to
D. Dutch’s weakening poB. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude C. 8 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
E. Outnumbered B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
D. Dutch’s weakening poA. Include B. 7 C. The writer’s unforgett
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness B. Consist B. 7 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
C. Shifting in power B. Consist A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
B. Bali’s good strategy C. Exclude A. 6 A. The writer’s experien
A. Recklessness C. Exclude B. 7 B. The writer’s impressio
8.What is the main idea 9.From the text we know10. 11.We found in the text th
B. The writer went to Br B. the sky was cloudy w B. The visitors of Mount C. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hC. it is quite easy to pa B. The visitors of Mount D. Spice Girls Is Victoria
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br C. it is quite easy to pa B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br B. the sky was cloudy w B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br C. it is quite easy to pa A. The writer’s uncle famiE. Beckham is victoria’s
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hC. it is quite easy to pa D. The people who the wri D. Spice Girls Is Victoria
D. The weather at the m B. the sky was cloudy w A. The writer’s uncle famiD. Spice Girls Is Victoria
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoE. Bromo mountain D. Spice Girls Is Victoria
E. The last holiday is theE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount D. Spice Girls Is Victoria
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viD. the writer wore a thic B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoD. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
D. The weather at the m B. the sky was cloudy w E. Bromo mountain C. Posh Spice is the titl
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hC. it is quite easy to pa A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viC. it is quite easy to pa A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount E. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic B. The visitors of Mount A. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m B. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoE. Bromo mountain B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m C. it is quite easy to pa D. The people who the wri C. Posh Spice is the titl
D. The weather at the m C. it is quite easy to pa E. Bromo mountain C. Posh Spice is the titl
B. The writer went to Br C. it is quite easy to pa C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hC. it is quite easy to pa A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri C. Posh Spice is the titl
E. The last holiday is theE. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount E. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncD. Spice Girls Is Victoria
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncD. Spice Girls Is Victoria
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncD. Spice Girls Is Victoria
E. The last holiday is theC. it is quite easy to pa C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic B. The visitors of Mount A. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoD. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br B. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m B. the sky was cloudy w E. Bromo mountain C. Posh Spice is the titl
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br B. the sky was cloudy w D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoD. The people who the wri A. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hC. it is quite easy to pa A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic B. The visitors of Mount A. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri A. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncD. Spice Girls Is Victoria
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic E. Bromo mountain C. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri A. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic B. The visitors of Mount C. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hA. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic D. The people who the wriA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br B. the sky was cloudy w B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viE. Panjakan peak to see B. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theE. Panjakan peak to see D. The people who the wri C. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiC. Posh Spice is the titl
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br D. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncC. Posh Spice is the titl
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoB. The visitors of Mount B. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m E. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
B. The writer went to Br A. the writer went BromoC. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w D. The people who the wri B. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic A. The writer’s uncle famiE. Beckham is victoria’s
E. The last holiday is theA. the writer went BromoA. The writer’s uncle famiB. Beckham is Victoria’s
D. The weather at the m D. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncA. Victoria named her fr
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
A. The place was full of viB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hE. Panjakan peak to see C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hD. the writer wore a thic C. The writer and her uncB. Beckham is Victoria’s
C. The writer arrived at hB. the sky was cloudy w C. The writer and her uncE. Beckham is victoria’s
D. The weather at the m A. the writer went BromoD. The people who the wri A. Victoria named her fr
12.Based on the text, w 13.What did Victoria do 14.Suzy... my note book 15
C. She designed The SpiC. Wrote many books C. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented C. Wrote many books A. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son C. Wrote many books B. Borrows D. sleeps
A. She is an ordinary w B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style B. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiB. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiD. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed C. has slept
A. She is an ordinary w A. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing A. slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing B. sleep
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing B. sleep
B. She arranged many son C. Wrote many books B. Borrows E. sleeping
C. She designed The SpiE. Created fashion style A. Borrowing E. sleeping
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed B. sleep
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
A. She is an ordinary w C. Wrote many books D. Borrowed E. sleeping
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiE. Created fashion style B. Borrows E. sleeping
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son E. Created fashion style E. Have borrowed C. has slept
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed E. sleeping
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed A. slept
A. She is an ordinary w A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed D. sleeps
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
A. She is an ordinary w B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
C. She designed The SpiD. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiC. Wrote many books E. Have borrowed D. sleeps
A. She is an ordinary w E. Created fashion style D. Borrowed A. slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed C. has slept
A. She is an ordinary w B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented C. Wrote many books C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
A. She is an ordinary w C. Wrote many books B. Borrows A. slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented C. Wrote many books C. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiE. Created fashion style B. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiB. Married to David Bec E. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec E. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed E. sleeping
C. She designed The SpiD. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style A. Borrowing A. slept
A. She is an ordinary w A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
A. She is an ordinary w A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
D. She married to an ordD. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed D. sleeps
C. She designed The SpiD. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
A. She is an ordinary w B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
D. She married to an ordC. Wrote many books C. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiD. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiE. Created fashion style B. Borrows D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style B. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
A. She is an ordinary w B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
A. She is an ordinary w D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing E. sleeping
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented C. Wrote many books A. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
B. She arranged many son C. Wrote many books E. Have borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style A. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows D. sleeps
C. She designed The SpiD. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
D. She married to an ordD. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style D. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented C. Wrote many books A. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec E. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
D. She married to an ordD. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
D. She married to an ordD. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
D. She married to an ordD. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style E. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows A. slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed B. sleep
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
B. She arranged many son D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented E. Created fashion style D. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec D. Borrowed B. sleep
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec C. Has borrowed C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed B. sleep
C. She designed The SpiB. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented C. Wrote many books E. Have borrowed D. sleeps
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deA. Borrowing B. sleep
B. She arranged many son B. Married to David Bec E. Have borrowed C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows B. sleep
B. She arranged many son C. Wrote many books D. Borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsC. Has borrowed B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsD. Borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed A. slept
E. She is multi-talented B. Married to David Bec B. Borrows A. slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented A. Worked as fashion deB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deE. Have borrowed C. has slept
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed E. sleeping
A. She is an ordinary w B. Married to David Bec A. Borrowing A. slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing B. sleep
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsA. Borrowing E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsE. Have borrowed E. sleeping
E. She is multi-talented D. Joined the Spice GirlsB. Borrows C. has slept
B. She arranged many son A. Worked as fashion deC. Has borrowed B. sleep
C. She designed The SpiA. Worked as fashion deD. Borrowed B. sleep
16.I……a cake to your ho17.………he read novel la
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D. bringing D. Are D. cook D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings E. Was E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought D. Are C. cooks B. traveled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
D. bringing C. Done B. cooker B. traveled
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings E. Was B. cooker D. has travelled
E. has bring C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring A. Do A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring D. Are C. cooks B. traveled
A. Bring C. Done D. cook A. traveling
D. bringing B. Did B. cooker B. traveled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
E. has bring A. Do C. cooks A. traveling
C. brings A. Do A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
D. bringing B. Did C. cooks D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking C. travels
B. brought E. Was A. cooking B. traveled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking C. travels
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
E. has bring D. Are A. cooking E. had travelled
D. bringing D. Are B. cooker D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring A. Do A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking B. traveled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked B. traveled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring E. Was A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked C. travels
A. Bring B. Did C. cooks A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked B. traveled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking C. travels
C. brings D. Are A. cooking B. traveled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking E. had travelled
A. Bring A. Do A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking B. traveled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring C. Done A. cooking C. travels
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings C. Done E. cooked E. had travelled
B. brought D. Are E. cooked B. traveled
A. Bring B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
C. brings E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring A. Do B. cooker C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
D. bringing E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings A. Do C. cooks A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
E. has bring D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing D. Are A. cooking E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring E. Was E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
E. has bring B. Did C. cooks D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did C. cooks D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
D. bringing D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing A. Do A. cooking E. had travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking B. traveled
E. has bring D. Are A. cooking B. traveled
A. Bring B. Did D. cook A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring D. Are E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking B. traveled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked B. traveled
A. Bring A. Do A. cooking B. traveled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
D. bringing D. Are A. cooking C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
C. brings C. Done D. cook E. had travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings C. Done A. cooking C. travels
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring C. Done B. cooker B. traveled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring C. Done A. cooking C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring C. Done A. cooking C. travels
A. Bring A. Do B. cooker C. travels
C. brings B. Did D. cook D. has travelled
C. brings C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did D. cook B. traveled
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did D. cook C. travels
E. has bring D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
E. has bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking E. had travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring A. Do A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did B. cooker A. traveling
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought E. Was A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking C. travels
C. brings D. Are C. cooks A. traveling
D. bringing D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
E. has bring B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked B. traveled
A. Bring E. Was A. cooking E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
E. has bring D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
D. bringing B. Did A. cooking C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked B. traveled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
C. brings B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking E. had travelled
E. has bring E. Was A. cooking C. travels
C. brings E. Was A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did D. cook D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
A. Bring E. Was E. cooked A. traveling
D. bringing D. Are E. cooked E. had travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did B. cooker A. traveling
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
D. bringing C. Done A. cooking B. traveled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought A. Do B. cooker A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
B. brought B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
D. bringing E. Was A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked E. had travelled
C. brings D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings E. Was A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked A. traveling
A. Bring E. Was A. cooking C. travels
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought E. Was E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings E. Was A. cooking C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did B. cooker D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
E. has bring D. Are C. cooks C. travels
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
B. brought D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking D. has travelled
C. brings B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
A. Bring D. Are A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought A. Do A. cooking B. traveled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
A. Bring B. Did A. cooking A. traveling
C. brings A. Do A. cooking C. travels
C. brings A. Do A. cooking C. travels
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought B. Did E. cooked D. has travelled
B. brought C. Done A. cooking A. traveling
B. brought C. Done A. cooking D. has travelled
20. 21. 22.They … the bear in f 23.Fadilla can’t find her
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch E. not knowing
A. changes A. had never been forgotB. Have not watch C. not known
D. has changed D. forgotten C. does not watch A. Knew
D. has changed D. forgotten D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch C. not known
C. changed B. Have never forgot B. Have not watch D. knowing
E. have changed A. had never been forgotB. Have not watch A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed C. forgot A. Watch D. knowing
B. changing E. has never forgot C. does not watch A. Knew
A. changes A. had never been forgotA. Watch A. Knew
C. changed D. forgotten E. will watch D. knowing
B. changing E. has never forgot D. Have watched E. not knowing
B. changing D. forgotten D. Have watched D. knowing
A. changes A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed D. forgotten A. Watch B. Known
B. changing D. forgotten B. Have not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
A. changes D. forgotten D. Have watched D. knowing
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
A. changes B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched E. not knowing
E. have changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed D. forgotten E. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
B. changing A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed E. has never forgot A. Watch C. not known
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
E. have changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed E. has never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
E. have changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
E. have changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch A. Knew
E. have changed D. forgotten E. will watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot A. Watch A. Knew
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
A. changes A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
C. changed D. forgotten B. Have not watch C. not known
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed D. forgotten C. does not watch D. knowing
E. have changed C. forgot E. will watch B. Known
B. changing C. forgot A. Watch A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed D. forgotten B. Have not watch B. Known
A. changes E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
E. have changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch E. not knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
B. changing B. Have never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch B. Known
A. changes B. Have never forgot E. will watch B. Known
C. changed C. forgot E. will watch A. Knew
C. changed B. Have never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
C. changed D. forgotten B. Have not watch E. not knowing
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch B. Known
A. changes E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed E. has never forgot C. does not watch D. knowing
B. changing A. had never been forgotE. will watch B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
E. have changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
A. changes A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
A. changes E. has never forgot B. Have not watch D. knowing
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
B. changing E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch E. not knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
E. have changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
B. changing B. Have never forgot C. does not watch A. Knew
C. changed C. forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
B. changing C. forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
A. changes E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed E. has never forgot C. does not watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed D. forgotten E. will watch C. not known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
A. changes B. Have never forgot A. Watch C. not known
C. changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch B. Known
B. changing D. forgotten E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed D. forgotten B. Have not watch C. not known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed D. forgotten B. Have not watch C. not known
B. changing D. forgotten B. Have not watch B. Known
E. have changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
E. have changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch C. not known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch B. Known
B. changing B. Have never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
E. have changed E. has never forgot A. Watch D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
B. changing E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch A. Knew
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
E. have changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
E. have changed A. had never been forgotB. Have not watch D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed B. Have never forgot C. does not watch B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
E. have changed D. forgotten D. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch B. Known
E. have changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
B. changing A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
B. changing A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
B. changing C. forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed D. forgotten B. Have not watch B. Known
B. changing C. forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
B. changing B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
E. have changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch E. not knowing
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
B. changing B. Have never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
B. changing A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed D. forgotten D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed C. forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed D. forgotten D. Have watched A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed C. forgot C. does not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
B. changing B. Have never forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
D. has changed D. forgotten E. will watch D. knowing
B. changing B. Have never forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
B. changing E. has never forgot B. Have not watch A. Knew
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
C. changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch B. Known
E. have changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
E. have changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
C. changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
C. changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched C. not known
C. changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
B. changing C. forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch D. knowing
C. changed C. forgot A. Watch C. not known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
B. changing E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot C. does not watch B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
E. have changed E. has never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot B. Have not watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
B. changing C. forgot E. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched E. not knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed C. forgot C. does not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
B. changing A. had never been forgotB. Have not watch B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch B. Known
A. changes A. had never been forgotB. Have not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot E. will watch B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotA. Watch A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch B. Known
C. changed E. has never forgot C. does not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch C. not known
C. changed C. forgot D. Have watched E. not knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot B. Have not watch C. not known
D. has changed B. Have never forgot A. Watch B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
A. changes E. has never forgot E. will watch C. not known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot A. Watch B. Known
B. changing E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed C. forgot C. does not watch E. not knowing
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed E. has never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
D. has changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch D. knowing
E. have changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotE. will watch D. knowing
C. changed C. forgot C. does not watch E. not knowing
A. changes A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot A. Watch A. Knew
D. has changed A. had never been forgotD. Have watched B. Known
C. changed B. Have never forgot E. will watch A. Knew
C. changed C. forgot E. will watch A. Knew
C. changed C. forgot E. will watch A. Knew
C. changed B. Have never forgot D. Have watched D. knowing
A. changes E. has never forgot D. Have watched B. Known
C. changed A. had never been forgotB. Have not watch E. not knowing
A. changes C. forgot C. does not watch A. Knew
24.Abdullah has bought 25. The correct way to arrange the jumbled words above is....
E. used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
A. Have not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
D. has used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
A. Have not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
C. have used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
C. have used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
A. Have not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
E. used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
C. have used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
D. has used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
B. Has not used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
D. has used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
E. used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
D. has used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
D. has used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
D. has used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
D. has used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
D. has used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
C. have used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
D. has used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
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A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
C. have used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
E. used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used A. 1-4-5-3-2-6
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
C. have used E. 3-1-2-5-6-4
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
C. have used B. 2-3-4-1-5-6
C. have used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
A. Have not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5
B. Has not used D. 2-1-4-6-5-3
B. Has not used C. 2-1-4-3-6-5

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