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Chua, Shannise Dayne

World Missions

1.1. What do you think God is trying to communicate in the last part of Psalm 46:10?
➔ He will be exalted whether we honor Him or not. He will be exalted by every single person
there is, for they will know who God is.
2. What are some barriers that keep us from living a life committed to Christ’s global cause? (1
John 2:1-2)
➔ Our sins keep us from living a life committed to Christ’s global cause. Not letting God to
fully control our life. We tend to conform with the world instead of heeding His cause.
3. What are some truths you need to be continually reminded of to help you stay focused on
God’s global purpose?
➔ God is the source of all truths. Men may make fun of it, ridicule and doubt it, but it won’t
change the fact that the Bible contains all the truths that will guide us to living this life
according to God’s will. People think that they know better than God. However, they only
end up hurting themselves.
4. Explain how your ministry is a means toward the overall goal of bringing God greater glory by
reaching all nations with the gospel.
➔ My current ministry is Church Administration. It is something that most people/Christians
don’t want to do because it's paperwork. But we have to remember, God sends us into the
world to be His hands and feet. And Church administration helps us to achieve that goal.
Church administration is in place to help operate the church effectively, with accountability
to help when things are not going as they should.

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