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Name: ______________________ Date: ____________

Collective Nouns Worksheet (Circling and Writing Part 1)

A collective noun is a word that refers to a group.

Directions: Circle the collective noun or nouns in each sentence.

Example A: A clan of hyenas looked for food.

Answer: clan of hyenas

1. The army of soldiers walked across the land.

2. The troops headed towards the battlefield.

3. The flock of geese flew over the lake.

4. The herd moved towards the river.

5. The pack of wolves chased the rabbit.

6. The pride of lions ran together.

Directions: Write a sentence with each collective noun listed below.

Example A: team
Answer: The entire team was happy they won the game.

7. swarm-

8. herd-

9. mob-

10. colony-

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