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AI in manufacturing industry What to do:

1. Work in group 4
2. From the assigned reading (find on CIS), discuss 1 use of AI in manufacturing industry
3. Discuss with your partners (the advantages and disadvantages of the example in the
industry, your stance and argument).
4. Use the vocabulary, simple future tense, and modal in your sentences where possible.

Answer :

1. From the assigned reading (find on CIS), discuss 1 use of AI in manufacturing industry
 AI will make pharma manufacturing processes more efficient, more streamlined,
safer and more profitable with Electronic batch record software.
 With AI it will be easier for engineers to build predictive maintenance systems that
use advanced algorithms with neural networks, to make predictions regarding asset
performance and possible malfunction.
 By using AI technologies like machine learning and natural language processing, it
will make supply chain management systems are now smarter.
 An effectively built AI system can track the vehicles that were made with the
defective nuts and bolts, so it will make easier for the manufacturer to recall them
from the dealerships.

2. The advantages and disadvantages of the example in the industry, your stance and
 Advantage from function of AI in point number 1
 With AI pharmaceutical factories will be easy to carry out production more
efficiently. In addition, the production process will also be shorter so that it
saves a lot of wasted time if it is not done using AI. The impact of an
increasingly efficient and shorter production process is to increase profits for
a pharmaceutical factory.

 Disadvantage from function of AI in point number 1

 Although the advantages of AI in pharmaceutical manufacturing, this can
also backfire for a pharmaceutical factory. This is due to a system error or
malfunction of the AI used, therefore the data calculation can be inaccurate,
the production process does not run properly, and results in losses which if
not handled immediately can result in losses in amounts that may be very

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