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Vanny’s English Center


A01 abandon (v.)丟棄,拋棄,遺棄

The search was abandoned when the night came, even though the child
had not been found.
A02 abide (v.)停留,留滯,遵守,容忍,忍受
Tom could not return home, but would abide in the woods.
The employee agreed to abide by the company’s decision.
He likes you, but he can’t abide John.
A03 absorb (v.)吸收,吸引,使專心
He was absorbed in a book and didn’t hear your call.
A04 abstract (adj.)抽象的

The word “happiness” is an abstract term, but “flower” is not.
abstraction (n.)抽象概念,抽象(化),抽取
Whiteness, roundness, bravery, and beauty are all abstractions.
A05 abuse (n.)濫用,辱罵
He abused his privileges by hiring unqualified person he liked.
Kevin abused his eyesight by watching too much TV.
A06 academy (n.)專科學院,研究院,學會
An academy in some countries is a private school for special training,

such as art or music.
A07 access (n.)入口,接近,通道

The only access to the garden is through the kitchen.

accessible (adj.)可接近的,可進入的,易受影響的
These files are confidential and are accessible to the executive officials only.
A08 accidental (adj.)偶然的
I don’t think the meeting was accidental; actually, it must have been
planned in advance.

Vanny’s English Center


A09 accompany (v.)陪同,伴隨,為...伴奏
My mom accompanied my dad to Japan when he went on a business trip.
A10 accomplish (v.)完成,實現,達到
He plans to accomplish the project in a year.
A11 accuracy (n.)準確,準確度,精確度

Our study will meet the fundamental requirements of accuracy and

accurate (adj.)正確的,準確的,精確的
The new accountant is accurate at figures.
A12 accuse (v.)指責,控告
He was accused of theft and was put to trial in court.
A13 accustom (v.)使…習慣於
You will soon get accustomed to the climate here.
A14 acid (adj.)尖酸刻薄的,酸的
Emily uttered the phrase with acid sarcasm.
The acid has burnt a hole in my jacket.
A15 acknowledge (v.)承認,就...表示謝忱,告知收到
When the results of the vote were announced, the Prime Minister

acknowledged defeat reluctantly.
A16 acne (n.)痤瘡,粉刺
Many teenagers are affected by different forms of acne, and most of them

can be treated by over-the-counter treatments.
(許多少年會患有不同的粉刺,而大多數可以用處方療法治癒。 )
A17 acquaint (v.)使認識,使熟悉
Before their trip, I acquainted them with living conditions abroad.
A18 acquire (v.)取得,獲得
He acquired the knowledge of the language by diligent study.

Vanny’s English Center


A19 adapt (v.)改編,改造,適應

This play is adapted from a well-known novel.

Alfred has been trying hard to adapt himself to the changing realities.

adaptation (n.)改編,改造,適應(性)

We must better understand the adaptation of plants to their environment in

order to make them grow well.
A20 adequate (adj.)足夠的,充分的,可以勝任的
The school should have adequate resources to cope with the demand of all
the students.
A21 adjust (v.)調整,調節

She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.

She found it hard to adjust to working at night.

adjustment (n.)調整,調節,校正,調節裝置
As far as I could see, the machine only needs a minor adjustment.
A22 admirable (adj.)值得讚揚的,極好的
It’s admirable that Helen Keller overcame her handicap and became a
writer and lecturer.
A23 adore (v.)非常喜歡,敬慕

I adore swimming, but my sister likes to play tennis.
(我非常喜歡游泳,但是我妹喜歡打網球。) (adj.)
adorable 值得崇拜的,可敬重的,可愛的
He is adorable for his devotion to scientific research.
A24 agency (n.)代辦處,經銷處,仲介,代理,局,部,處
I got this job in the factory through an employment agency.
A25 agenda (n.)議程,議題,待討論
There are several important events on the agenda in today’s meeting.
A26 agent (n.)代理人,代理商,經紀
Most movie stars and singers have their own agents.
Our agent in Rome deals with all our business in Italy.

Vanny’s English Center


A27 agony (n.)極大的痛苦,苦難,痛楚
The little girl suffered from the agonies of losing her parents and then her

A28 aisle (n.)通道,過道,廁廊

The shoppers hurry up and down the aisles, trying to find something on
A29 alcohol (n.)酒精,酒
Drinks that can make people drunk such as beer and wine are referred to

as alcohol.
A30 alert (v.)使警覺,發警訊
The doctor alerts me to the danger of not getting enough sleep.
In the batter filed, the soldiers were constantly on the alert for the enemy.

The school authorities began to be alerted to the danger on campus after

the accident.
A31 algebra (n.)代數

Algebra is a branch of mathematics in which signs and letters are used to

represent numbers and values.
A32 alien (adj.)外國的,異族的

Millions of aliens who want to live and work in the United States are
subject to federal immigration laws.
In the Halloween party, everybody wore a mask and an alien costume.
(在萬聖節宴會時,大家戴著面具和穿著外國的服裝。 )
A33 alligator (n.)鱷魚
Alligators live in freshwater, swamps, and rivers in the southeastern parts

of the United States.
A34 allowance (n.)津貼,補助,限額,免稅額,零用錢
Most people who travel on business are given traveling allowances.

Vanny’s English Center


A35 alternate (v.)輪流,交替
The couple alternated doing the housework and caring for children.
A36 altitude (n.)高度,海拔
We are flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters.
(我們正在 6,000 米的高度中飛行。)
A37 amateur (adj./n.)業餘的,非職業的
You are a professional painter, but I am an amateur.
A38 ambassador (n.)大使

The parliamentarian might soon be named the British Ambassador to

A39 amend (v.)修改

Try to amend your ways of treating people, or no one would like to talk to
A40 ample (adj.)充足的,充裕的,廣闊的,寬敞的
The design of the ground floor created ample space of a good-sized kitchen.
A41 amuse (v.)使開始,給…提供娛樂
Your joke amused not only me but also my family. We all laughed out

A42 analyze (v.)分析
The food was analyzed and found to contain a small amount of poison.
A43 ancestor (n.)祖先,祖宗
Most of our ancestors moved from China to Taiwan many years ago.
A44 annoy (v.)使煩惱,打擾
The librarian was annoyed by the loud talk of the group of people.
A45 antique (n.)古董

The antique Tom bought from the flea market proved to have handed
down from Ming Dynasty.
A46 anxiety (n.)焦慮,不安,擔心
With anxiety, the woman waited outside the operation room.

Vanny’s English Center


A47 anxious (adj.)焦慮的,不安的,渴望的
I was terribly anxious about the children when they didn’t come home
from school on time.
A48 apologize (v.)道歉
I apologized to the teacher for being late.
A49 apology (n.)道歉,謝罪
The young man admitted his mistakes and expressed his sincere apologies

A50 applause (n.)鼓掌,掌聲
The audience greeted the speaker with thunderous applause.
A51 appliance (n.)器具,用品

We should take the sale opportunity to get some electrical appliances for
our new home.
A52 applicant (n.)申請人

An applicant for our graduate school should show evidence that he/she
meets our English proficiency requirements.
A53 appoint (v.)任命,委任,約定,指定
The mayor appointed Williams as his deputy in the city of York.
Let’s appoint a time for our next meeting.
A54 appreciation (n.)欣賞,賞識,評定,判斷

They built a monument near the harbor in appreciation of the soldiers who
contributed their lives here.
A55 appropriate (adj.)恰當的,合適的
Her clothes were appropriate for the occasion.
A56 approval (n.)贊同,同意,批准,認可
You can organize a dancing club upon the approval of the school authorities
to provide students with the opportunity to dance in a relaxed atmosphere.

Vanny’s English Center


A57 apt (adj.)有…趨向的,易於…,適當的,恰當的
Some of the office workers are apt to arrive late on Mondays.
A58 arch (v.)形成拱
The cat arched its back in anger.
A59 architect (n.)建築師,設計師
Chicago is famous for its buildings. Therefore, many architects dream to
design a building there.
A60 arena (n.)活動場所,競技場
She entered the political arena after she graduated from college.
A61 armor (n.)一套盔甲,裝甲
The actor, clad in heavy armor, complained that it was difficult for him to
ride a horse.
The fire fighters armored themselves against the fire.
A62 arouse (v.)喚起,激動,使奮發,叫醒
She was aroused from a deep sleep when the earthquake occurred.
A63 artificial (adj.)人工的,人造的,假的
This juice is free from artificial flavor; it’s 100% pure juice.
(這果汁沒有人工調味,它是 100%純果汁。)
A64 ascend (v.)登高,上升,追溯
The librarian ascended the ladder to reach out a book on the top shelf.
A65 ashamed (adj.)羞恥的,內疚的,難為情的
How could you be so rude! I’m ashamed of you.
A66 aspect (n.)方面,方面,面貌,模樣
Have you considered all aspects before you reached the conclusion?
A67 aspiration (n.)熱望,報復,志向

She had aspirations to become a great musician in her 40’s.
(她希望在 40 幾歲時成為一位了不起的音樂家。)
aspire (v.)渴望,嚮往,懷有大志
As a model, Lily has always aspired to have an acting career.

Vanny’s English Center


A68 aspirin (n.)阿斯匹靈
The medicine, aspirin, can relieve your headache.
A69 assemble (v.)收集,集合,組合
I’ve assembled all the information I need for my report.
A70 asset (n.)優點,資產,財產
A sense of responsibility is an asset for this job.
A71 associate (v.)聯想,使聯合,結交
Lung cancer has been proved to be associated with smoking.
Peter is one of my associates at the bookstore.
A72 astonish (v.)使吃驚,使驚訝
I was astonished at his strange behavior.
A73 astray (adv.)迷路地,迷途地
When you walk your dog, you had better leash it; otherwise, it may go

A74 astronaut (n.)太空人
It is said that Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin were the first

humans to land on the Moon in 1969.
(據說 1969 年太空人尼爾阿姆斯壯和埃德溫艾德溫是首次登陸月亮的
A75 astronomy (n.)天文學
Astronomy is a branch of science dealing with the sun, the moon, the stars

and the planets.
A76 asylum (n.)避難,庇護,庇護所
The abandoned child was put into an asylum.
A77 atmosphere (n.)大氣,大氣層,氣氛,環境
The atmosphere in this house has become unpleasant since the quarrel.
A78 attain (v.)獲得,達到
Jim is halfway to attaining his pilot’s license.

Vanny’s English Center


A79 arouse (v.)喚起,激動,使奮發,叫醒
His fishy behavior aroused our suspicion.
A80 attraction (n.)吸引,誘惑
The city’s department stores, movie theaters, and restaurants are the

attractions that are hard to resist.
A81 auditorium (n.)禮堂,聽眾席
Our new auditorium will provide a setting for all types of events.
A82 authority (n.)權力,權威,當權者,當局
The judge has no authority to order a second trial.
A83 autobiography (n.)自傳

After retirement, Mary decided to organize her ideas and write an

autobiography of her life.
A84 auxiliary (n.)助動詞,輔助者,助手
In an English sentence, an auxiliary should precede the main verb.
A85 await (v.)等待
We are awaiting the results of admission from the school.

Mr. Wang is awaiting the decision on renewing the contract for the next
A86 awkward (adj.)笨拙的,難用的,為難的,難對付的,棘手的

Mr. Roberts was the first one to ask several awkward questions at the
press conference.

Vanny’s English Center


B01 bachelor (n.)未婚男子,單身漢,擁有學士學位的人

In the US and Canada, people always hold a party for the bachelor shortly
before he is getting married.
He was awarded a bachelor’s degree when he graduated from the university.
B02 bankrupt (adj.)破產的

If the firm cannot sell its products, it will go bankrupt.
bankruptcy (n.)破產,倒閉
There can be further bankruptcies among small businesses because of the

weakening economy.
B03 banquet (n.)宴會
After the wedding banquet, there will be a dancing party.
B04 barbarian (n.)野蠻人,粗野的人
In ancient times, barbarians were people from other countries who were

thought to be uncivilized.
B05 barrier (n.)障礙,障礙物,柵欄,關卡

That different peoples speak different languages is a real barrier to mutual

B06 beak (n.)鳥嘴,喙狀嘴
The mother bird had a worm in her beak.
B07 beforehand (adv.)事先,預先

We knew that a severe typhoon would be coming, so we stored some food

B08 beloved (adj.)所深愛的

Eric was a beloved teacher and was admired by all those he taught over
the years.
B09 beneficial (adj.)有益的,有利的,有用的
Distance learning programs would be beneficial to those who want a
college degree but cannot attend regular scheduled classes.

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