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First of all, I must say that I am not a wormbook, I mean I have'nt read a lot of

books. But one a day.But one day when read across this book, it changed my
whole mind about reading, that book called “Cho Tôi Xin Một Vé Đi Tuổi Thơ”.
This book is written by Nguyen Nhat Anh. The author has brought readers back to
the happy childhood years with the plot revolving around 4 naughty, innocent
children, Cu Mui, Hai Co, Ti Su and Con Tun. In that beautiful childhood world of
children, they have no worries and troubles about material and spiritual life but just
happily immersed in the games and fun of childhood. Interweaving with the
situations of 4 children, the author also adds to the book thoughts and
contemplations about the present and past lives of people that make us think about
them. it's just over 100 pages thick but the book is about the size of A4 paper so it
took me about 10 days to read it. When I read it, it brought me back to my
childhood memories and made me wish I could go back to such pure emotions,
carefree times again.

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