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Cordero, Jireh Joy, T


You will take a test to assess your knowledge in Principles of Training. For Face to Face mode, test paper
and answer sheet shall be used.
1. Which statement best describes the principle of reversibility?
a. Changing training duration prior to competition
b. Changing training intensity prior to competition
c. The loss of training benefits with reduced performance
d. The loss of muscle glycogen due to increased training demand

2. Which of the following is an example of the principle of reversibility?

a. Decreased training intensity leading up to a major competition
b. Decreased level of performance as a result of a break in training
c. Completing exercises for opposing muscle groups in one session
d. Achieving a lower time in an 800m time trial on a second attempt

3. Which of the following best demonstrates the principle of progression?

a. Ensuring that an athlete & #39; s HR is below 70-80% if MH during each session
b. Gradually increasing the weight & number of reps for strength training exercises
c. Participating in a variety of activities to develop a range of muscle groups
d. Scheduling 1-2 training sessions each week to maximize training benefits

4. Which of the following principles of training would best explain why an elite lawn bowler may not
necessarily be an elite basketballer?
a. Progression
b. Reversibility
c. Specificity
d. Reliability
5. If I' ve been training the same way for a while and my body is used to the exercise intensity, what
additional principle of training has occurred?
a. Adaptation
b. Reversibility
c. Rest and recovery
d. Specificity

Lesson Proper
Physical Fitness and Components

Health-Related Fitness
1. Enumerate the health-related fitness components
• (1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5)
cardiorespiratory endurance.
2. Identify the meaning of each health-related fitness
• Body composition
-used to describe the percentages of fat, bone and muscle in human bodies.
• Flexibility
-is the ability of a joint or series of joints to move through an unrestricted, pain free range of motion.
• Muscular Strength
-strength is the amount of force you can put out or the amount of weight you can lift.
• Muscular endurance
-is the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to perform repetitive contractions against a
force for an extended period of time. The greater your muscular endurance the higher number
of repetitions you could complete.
• Cardiorespiratory endurance
-refers to the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles during
continuous physical activity,
3. Give an example for each health-related fitness
• Body Composition Exercise
-Front lunge
• Flexibility Exercise
• Muscular Endurance
• Muscular Strength
-Lifting weights
• Cardiovascular Endurance

Skill-Related Fitness

1. Enumerate the skill-related fitness components

• Power
• Speed
• Agility
• Coordination
• Balance
• Reaction Time
2. Identify the meaning of each skill-related fitness
• Power is the ability to perform strength-based movements quickly.
• Speed is the ability to move all or part of the body quickly
• Agility is the ability to move and change the direction and position of the body quickly and
effectively while under control.
• Coordination is the body's ability to perform smooth and efficient movements
• Balance is the ability to retain the center of mass above the base of support when stationary (Static
balance) or moving (dynamic balance).
• Reaction time is the last dash point for skill-related components of physical fitness.
3. Give an example for each skill-related fitness
• Power- Jumping with weights or throwing weights
• Speed- Sled Push/Sprint
• Agility- Plank jack
• Coordination- Juggling
• Balance- Gymnastics Balance Beam Skills.
• Reaction time- dodging a punch in a boxing match.

Enhancement Activity.
Direction: I believe that at least once in your life you have been able to exercise or have played some
kind of traditional games or sports. Based on your experiences, identify which principle it applies. And
explain how this particular exercise fall under this principle. (See rubric on page 16)

During the last pandemic, my cousins offered me to go jogging, and I believe we did so for about an hour
and a half. I believe this activity falls under the category of individuality. Due to the fact that we each
responded to this exercise differently—our youngest cousin, who is only seven years old, immediately
became exhausted and, if I recall correctly, took five stops totaling around three minutes each. which is
very different from us, who merely pause three times. This exercise therefore explains the idea of
individuality, according to which every person responds differently, and it should be modified in
accordance with an individual's features, such as age, sex, body size, and so on.

When I was a kid, my cousins and I would always play traditional Filipino games like "Agawan Base."
You must be a fast runner in this game because you must tag the opposing team's base without being
tagged by another team. So, this activity fits under specificity since I can't run that fast, so I need to
enhance my running performance, which is the concept of specificity, to become better or develop your

I normally workout twice a week, and I've progressively increased it in recent months. Which is
something I need to do in order to state that I am making progress with my exercise. Because when we
say progression, we mean progress made through time, even if it may take longer.
I played volleyball when I was in elementary school, and whenever we had practice, we always started
with a moderate intensity workout before moving on to a moderate one. Additionally, as volleyball
players, our aim is to get better at passing and serving the ball because that is the first skill we need to
develop. Because we need to increase our training in order to achieve our goals, this sort of sport is said to
be overloaded.

Even if it's just doing some housework, I usually take a break after every activity. We all know we can't
work for an extended period of time since we risk feeling exhausted, which could make breathing harder.
Therefore, anyone who is engaging in activities or exercises must take a break.

I haven't played volleyball since I was in sixth grade, which was a very long time ago. I fear that if I tried
to play it today, I might not even be able to make a serve because I have already lost the knowledge and
experience, I once had. This falls under the category of reversibility, which is the result of not exercising
for an extended period of time or ceasing to perform a particular exercise.

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