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UNIT 3: “Across the Border”

Lesson Objectives:
 To differentiate uses of “make” and “do”
 To identify sequence words
 To prepare for the test

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _____________

1.- Read the following text.

Meet Shawn Mendes. And then, on June 26th 2014 they

The 18 year old, Canadian singer, who is released the debut single of Mendes. The
rocking on radio stations all around the song name was “Life of the Party”. It
world. achieved 100,000 units sold. This step
Shawn was born on August 8th, 1998 in was very important because in 2015,
Pickering, on the east side of Toronto, Shawn Mendes published his first album
Canada. titled “Handwritten”.
His career started first in 2012 with a Finally, on June 2016 he released the
guitar. He learned how to play the guitar lead song for his second album
on YouTube. Then, in 2013 he started to “Iluminate” The song is “Treat you
make music covers, and publish them on better” and it has broadly spread.
the Vine platform.
Next, on 2014, Andrew Gertler a Warner
Music manager discovered his version of
“Say Something”. Gertler contacted
Shawn`s parents, and convinced them to
take him to New York to sign a contract.

2.- Answer the following questions using full sentences in your response.

1) What is his nationality?

2) When was he born?
3) Where was he born?
4) What was the first thing he did?
5) Who convinced his parents to promote his career?
6) What was the name of his first album?
7) What is the lead song of his last album?
______________________________________________ - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca® 1 Inglés – 8º Básico

First Then Next And then

3.- Read the following flight itineraries and write the processes (Add the country


2) - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca® 2 Inglés – 8º Básico

Make or do?

It can be hard to decide when to use 'make' or 'do' in English. Here's some help.

1. We use 'make' when we create or construct something. For example:

 She made a cake.

 I've made us some coffee.
 Did you really make those trousers?

2. We use 'do' for general activities. In this case, 'do' is often used with 'something',
'nothing', 'anything' or 'everything':

 What did you do at the weekend?

 I didn't do anything yesterday.
 Are you doing anything interesting during the holidays?

3. There are many, many fixed expressions with 'make' and 'do'. Unfortunately, they don't
really follow any useful rules, so you have to learn them. Sorry!

Time to guess!! Make or do?



_________ a mistake

_________ money Let’s figure it out 

The following phrases are called “COLLOCATIONS”, which are fixed and common
expressions in English that we need to learn.

Make Do

Make noise Do business

Make friends Do nothing
Make a journey Do sports
Make your bed Do shopping
Make lunch Do exercise
Make a promise Do housework
Make a mistake Do the washing
Make an offer Do an exam
Make money Do harm
Make plans Do service - Creado y diseñado por VillaEduca® 3 Inglés – 8º Básico

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