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1. Complete the sentence, use the words in the box.

Natural Resources: They are raw materials that _____________ extract from ____________
and use for their ___________.
Artificial Resources: They are materials ____________ by human beings that
_______________ from natural __________________.

2. Circle with your red color the images that represent natural resources and with
your green color the images that represent artificial resources.

3. Look at the pictures and identify if they show renewable or nonrenewable natural

4. Name three renewable resources in your country.


5. Write T for True or F for false.

a. _______ Resources are used by humans to make objects.
b. _______ Artificial resources are made out of processed natural resources.
c. _______ Natural resources can be classified as renewable and nonrenewable.
d. _______ Plastic and paper are good examples of renewable natural resources.
6. Select the right option.
1.The following is NOT a renewable energy source
a. Fossil fuel.
b. Wind
c. Water
d. Solar energy

2. The following is NOT a non renewable energy resources

a. Fossil fuel.
b. Coal
c. Water
3. Energy from the Sun.
a. Wind energy
b. Solar energy
c. Hydroelectric energy

7. Using a ruler draws a line from the renewable energy resource to its correct
description. Make sure you read the descriptions carefully.

8. Match the types of waste with the correct container.

9. What do wool and wood have in common? How are they different?. mark with an X.

10. Look at the pictures. Classify the waste by writing in the corresponding column.

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