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GLFW (Win32, Mac, Linux) + Vulkan example.

= main.cpp + imgui_impl_glfw.cpp + imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp

This is quite long and tedious, because: Vulkan.
For this example, the main.cpp file exceptionally use helpers function from

GLUT (e.g., FreeGLUT on Linux/Windows, GLUT framework on OSX) + OpenGL2.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_glut.cpp + imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp
Note that GLUT/FreeGLUT is largely obsolete software, prefer using GLFW or SDL.

Marmalade example using IwGx.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_marmalade.cpp

Null example, compile and link imgui, create context, run headless with no
inputs and no graphics output.
= main.cpp
This is used to quickly test compilation of core imgui files in as many setups
as possible.
Because this application doesn't create a window nor a graphic context, there's
no graphics output.

SDL2 + DirectX11 example, Windows only.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_sdl.cpp + imgui_impl_dx11.cpp
This to demonstrate usage of DirectX with SDL.

SDL2 (Win32, Mac, Linux etc.) + OpenGL example (legacy, fixed pipeline).
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_sdl.cpp + imgui_impl_opengl2.cpp
VBO, VAO, etc.)**
**Prefer using OPENGL3 code (with gl3w/glew/glad/glbindings, you can replace
the OpenGL function loader)**
This code is mostly provided as a reference to learn about Dear ImGui
integration, because it is shorter.
If your code is using GL3+ context or any semi modern OpenGL calls, using this
renderer is likely to
make things more complicated, will require your code to reset many OpenGL
attributes to their initial
state, and might confuse your GPU driver. One star, not recommended.

SDL2 (Win32, Mac, Linux, etc.) + OpenGL3+/ES2/ES3 example.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_sdl.cpp + imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
This uses more modern OpenGL calls and custom shaders.
Prefer using that if you are using modern OpenGL in your application (anything
with shaders).
(Please be mindful that accessing OpenGL3+ functions requires a function
loader, which are a frequent
source for confusion for new users. We use a loader in imgui_impl_opengl3.cpp
which may be different
from the one your app normally use. Read imgui_impl_opengl3.h for details and
how to change it.)

SDL2 (Win32, Mac, Linux, etc.) + Vulkan example.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_sdl.cpp + imgui_impl_vulkan.cpp
This is quite long and tedious, because: Vulkan.
For this example, the main.cpp file exceptionally use helpers function from

DirectX9 example, Windows only.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_win32.cpp + imgui_impl_dx9.cpp

DirectX10 example, Windows only.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_win32.cpp + imgui_impl_dx10.cpp

DirectX11 example, Windows only.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_win32.cpp + imgui_impl_dx11.cpp

DirectX12 example, Windows only.
= main.cpp + imgui_impl_win32.cpp + imgui_impl_dx12.cpp
This is quite long and tedious, because: DirectX12.

TITLE: Dear Colleague Letter regarding proposals for Antarctic Research

DATE: 2/3/2014

NSF 14-035

Dear Colleague Letter regarding proposals for Antarctic Research

February 3, 2014

Dear Colleagues:

Despite recent challenges, we wish to reassure the research community

that the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Antarctic
Program (USAP) continue to encourage the development and submission of
proposals in response to the Antarctic Sciences Solicitation ([1]NSF

In October 2013, NSF was required to suspend certain activities in

Antarctica as a result of the partial government shutdown just as the
austral summer season began. When funding under a continuing
resolution was established, staff members at both NSF and the
Antarctic Support Contractor (ASC) worked hard to restore as much of
the planned activities as was safely possible. While all parts of the
USAP were affected to some degree, the greatest effects were on
projects based from McMurdo Station. Some projects were de-scoped so
that fieldwork required fewer resources this season and fieldwork for
other projects has been wholly deferred to future seasons. Going
forward, deferred fieldwork will have to be accommodated within the
framework of projects that were already planned for next season. Staff
from the Antarctic Infrastructure and Logistics (AIL) and Antarctic
Sciences (ANT) Sections are working closely with affected researchers
and the ASC to revise existing out-year logistical plans to achieve
this goal to the maximum extent practicable.
In parallel with these efforts, the USAP remains committed to
implementing the Foundation's response to the Blue Ribbon Review of
the USAP that was completed in 2012. This report highlighted the need
for NSF to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of logistical
support across the USAP.

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