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This iiianual is an invaluable source of information for all

those involved \\it11 pipeline design. construction.
operation and maintcnancc arid covers even' aspect of
pipeline pigging in a logical and cas>. to use format. It
\viII provide guidance for the design of pipclines and
pigging s> \\.ell as for the selection and operation
of all t>pcs of pipclinc pigs. Nowcvcr. because even.
pipeline contains certain unique features, this manual is
not intended to be, ncitlier must it be considered as: a
definitive lvork on the subject. It is a guide only and
independent professional advice must be obtained before
making a coniniitmcnt to ;in>'particular coiirsc of action.

'I'hc Publishers \\odd nclconic any suggestions I\ hich. in

the opinion of the reader. nould make fiiturc editions of
tlic manual inorc 'uscr fricndl!,'.

About tlic authors:

Jim Cordell has bccn actiicl!, involved \\ itli pipeline pigging. niaintcnancc and
inspection since the inid 1960's at both practical and managerial lwels. He founded On-
Strcaiii S>.stciiis Ltd. in 1 9x5 to provide conipletely impartial consulting services on all
matters rclaling to pipeline pigging. In I990 lie founded the Pigging Products & Services
Association (PPSA). and ser\,cd as its Esccutivc. Sccrctan, and Tcclinical Adviser for
almost a decade. Virtually all of the major pigging rclatcd conipanics throughout the
nmld arc iiow Members of PPSA. the contact details for wliich \\ill be found in the

Hcrshcl Virnzsiit worked 38 >cars for one of the \vorld's leading pipclinc equipment
iiimu hcturcrs. He \\ orkcd in tlic Enginccring. Research and Management arcas of the
compan>.. During his >'cars in tlic Research Dcpartinciit Iic designed and assisted \\ itli
LIic design and testing of pigs and related pigging cquipnicnt. He also traveled to inan!'
arcas of tlic norld to i\-ork oiisitc assisting pipeline operators with their pigging
applications. I n 1990 he startcd his consulting services coiiccrniiig pigging and otlicr
pipclinc maintcnnncc applications.


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