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I, for I am, have seen the darkness of the day.

I stand here before myself and oftentimes

wonder where I have gone wrong. Being casted and called after Cain, the memories often fight
with me. I struggle to let go, as I sit in my secluded area.

Pain is for what I use to express my own, however those who have casted me out and enjoy
their lives happily whilst I dwell, mustn’t be forgiven. Stories of me pass by and that I know, so
mustn't I give to them what they wish? The beast Grendel, the sinner of all. Ruthless and cold

I took 30, and for 12 winters I thought it would have been enough for me. But it never was
enough for me. I took more and more until I felt my desire for blood and anguish subside.
Though, it never subsided for long as the constant memories bombarded me with a persistence
that left me irritated.

But, today, no, today was similar to every other day I had experienced. My blood was pumping,
and my sorrow ceased. All there was, was my feet walking through the marsh to the same
winehouse. Whilst they all slept, and enjoyed themselves my rage kicked in and I started on my
blood bath.

I was wrong, today was not like every other day there was, I was stopped. By some man
named Beowolf, who seem cowardice until my hands were unable to move. I cowarded beneath
him not wishing to be slane, for I still have so much more to do. I want to be anywhere but here.
I wish to run away and never look back at this area. If anything, my rage was my only form of
coping. So please..I don't wish to die yet..

Though before I knew it, my eyes rested peacefully and all that anguish I had felt eased away.
Who knew, rage could be eased by such a thing. Now it mattered not what all had happened to
me or those I inflicted but now what would become of me as all things faded out and I had been

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