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Internal Audit & Fraud Investigator (Main Duties)

I will briefly explain the auditor main duties:

1. Handling fraud case from data fraud tracker that is resources came from WBS
2. Duration audit is 5 working days focused on audit criteria that is credit and operations, so far
fraud that I handle is embezzling disbursement and also repayment from borrower, and majority
the perpetrator is from internal employee.
3. Make an audit report to produced about recommendation and the total loss ammount have to
change by the employee, if the employee can do the full refund and process by familially than
the case is over (Called it non litigation), besides that is Litigation, for doing this I collaborated
with legal team to make a report to the authorities (Police ) and take steps to imprison the
4. As a expert witness, I interview by police investigator and than sign the police investigation
report, and than the process continue to the prosecutors office that will be move to court to
decide the suspect.


First of all I must know the problem why the customer in arrears, starting from that problem I did the:

1. Root Cause analysis (Analysis and identified the problem )

- Portfolio customer at risk by DPD 1+ - 90+
- Mapping collection to defined the customer criteria (Hope and No hope), for example
character and capacity repayment based on tellecolection and on the spot result by Desk
and Field collection
- Give recommendations and decision to maintain the customer based on mapping result
2. Collection is an art, why I called it art, because is contain about communication and negotiations
skills to win the hearts of customers, collection must bring solutions to solve the difficulties of
customer,in the end the customer finally pays the debt.
3. Collection process involve 3 things there is :
1. Desk Collection, Field collection and technology =this step among them are pre, early
and late, this all function is just to reminder the due date and give emphasis to the
2. Strategy , we must have a good team that can implemented the rule based of collection
3. System, this is the important things that is a must have, so I can monitoring my staff
activities and their achievements easily.(build a core collection system)

Collection wagely:

1. Collaborate with HR other companies and provide incentives, so they can help to make billing
to employees and it must be explained in detail at the time of making the agreement
2. Salary deduction mechanism carried out by HR or auto debet mechanism on payroll date
3. Doing communication and Apply to HR Withhold work certificate employee to pay the debt
4. Appoint a group leader in that to collect all employee debt and provide incentives
5. For the naughty customer who don’t want to pay the debt, we must give a warning letter up
to 3 times, if it doesn’t work we give somation from legal internal company or collaboration
with local lawyers to publish the somation letter.
6. If it still doesn’t work, we must making an agreement with agency collection third party to
collect the customer, but this agency it must be certified by OJK (Indonesia financial
authorities) because at this time, collection is an sensitive area because of the illegal on line
loans (Based on OJK rules about consumer protection)

Improvement collection process Wagely

1. Build core collection system

2. Making SOP and collection policy (end to end process)
3. Document customer must be complete with detail agreement (Electronic agreement, identity
card and employee identity, and must be include with the employee in charge like employee
parents, couple or other sibling)

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