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BUKU JAWABAN UJIAN (BJU) UAS TAKE HOME EXAM (THE) SEMESTER 2020/21.1 (2020.2) Noma Mahasiwa SA Nomar induk Mabasiswafnim —: OUN. 724. YE Tange tahie BL ULI 2000, ABI 4201 / Bahasa Lnopcis, ‘Nog, ode/Narma Mata Kulah ede/tiama Program Studi Kodeytaa Uru HariTangeal UAS THE “Tanda Yangon Peserta ian tee tun 1. Anda wajib mengissecara lengkap dan benaridetitas pads cover BU pada halaman ink 2. Anda wajib mengsi dan menandatangani surat pernyataan kejjuranakademik 3. Jawaban bisa dikerakan dengan diketik atau ul tangan, ‘4. Jawaban diunggahdisertai dengan cover BJU dan surat pernyataan kejujuranakademi KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN UNIVERSITAS TERBUKA, ‘Sur Peryatoan ‘Mahastowa ojojuran Akademi Yang bertanda tangan oi boawahii Nama Makossa 2 MULIA OH 724 66 sam KKode/lama Mata Kuliah Abgt 4201, / Bare iow se. Inge s,_ Aag9 Fakultas Program Studi upoueur ‘Saya tak menerima naskah UAS THE dot siopapun selain mengunduh dar alias! THE pada Ls laman https://the.ut ai 2_Sya tia mermtatan ahah UAS TH eps apn ‘Saya tidak menerima dan atau memberikan bantuan dalam bentuk apapun dalam pengerjean soal Ujian UAS THE. Saya tidak melakukon plagiasiataspekerjann orang lain (menyalin dan mengakvinya sebagal ppekerjaan saya. ‘Saya memaharn bahwa sega tindakan kecurangan akan mendapatkan hukuman sesual dengan aturan akademik yang berlaku di Universitas Terbuta, 16, Saya bersedia menjunjung tinggi ketertiban, hedbsipinan, dan integritas akademik dengan tidak_melakukan kecurangan, jok, menyebariuaskan soal dan jawaban UAS THE melalui media apapun, serta tindakan tidak terpyjiainnya yang bertentangan dengan peraturan akademik Universitas Terbuka. Demikian surat pernyataan ini saya buat dengan sesungguhnya. Apabila di kemudian hari terdapat pelonggaran atas pernyataan di atas, saya bersedia bertanggung jawab dan menanggung sanksi akader yang dtetapkan oleh Universitas Terbuka Bante! 20 poscmber 2020 ‘Yang Membuat Pernyataan, Nama Mahasiswa (YoUA IHL NUR TANIALY Oe Government inp lvence bussiness Cycles 7 . bose ‘ sdechn goes Variations in towerdmend pending Ik One of the businoss cycles. avers tke MO _vOINIiLe cemmpenont oF the aggiegate or tefo! der Ahe_{nves mens component {5 M9 husiness cucks co the united Holes, According to there sivdies, Increases in inyost men+ Spur _a_subsequon+ Increase in _aggteSaie demane , leading +o Crono mit CXpansico, Ueeremes in _ioucriement have the opposite efFect. Indeed, Gechomisss can pos fo Guero! points fn Amenicah history to which the Kmperiance of Invesiment spercing was Made qoiie evicens. the treat Pepression, tor insyante, Was Cavsed by a collapse 19 Invest Ment Spending im the Agior wth OF the sOck markey Crash OF (929. Gimilacty, the POOSPCr4iy OF the late igco¢ was Atitibotied 40 4 capi¢al goods boom. G@ whor does Eits4 Mover aguaniage mean in busi nowt? posuer § Agust mover Is Gservice Of product tha} gain @ conpetitive Advontoge by being the Fist to murvet UHh a provocd or service. Geng first {picatly enables a Gmpuny 40 fablich 4109 brand tecognatron ond customer loyal4y — bopore conpotiFors cnjer the arega. Arist - Mover adyamioge can by simply dived os firm's ability Jobe better of than Ws Compctitore OS OCH OF boing First fo MorWe In @ naw prodict category. Orher Aduontages inctude Gfet Honal time to perrect Hs prodvey Of Vice ond iting the Mormes price for the new sem. Fess Molers in a inertry ore almor always followed by compotito rr that aitemp + 40 copitalize on the fFitst movers qcecs GN gain morkey shore. Host Often, the Ma+ Mover hos established supFicleny z Mower chore and Osohid enough cufomer bao that ft mointoinp the frojority Of the More+. 6 woe Aint Sn a Saree — Human (sin porton + boce 1b pereerved 40 Ine ease PIORVObLi4y $0 4ho more a any z Productivity and thur Gnd _propitable Inverts in 115 employees, +1 ___ It covld_be ane eet Moman capita) 1s an asset consisting of ihe Knotsledge onc é Vis hed by © poson thot con be vred by un ongontzarion “to advance 145 goals. Human copital k ttportant bewuse Fo me evel of tuman knowledge ond will wt necessary IM Ofder of _ an _organtration 40 accomplish Onything. D) what Is an example of Glaser toe policy? Answer $ A policy Of fon interFerence By deihory in any compertive ptocss- An example oF lotisez pune ae the Cconomie Polrcier held by copuoliss Countries. An example oF lause2 Foe is when G homeowner Ws & Allowed +40 plot Whatever they Want fo gtou IM theit Frond Yord UWithoot hoving 40 It pormission Form ther cy. here ce Many Famous examples of laisie2 Fare One oF the developing 1beoyies hk fhe lotste2 pane theory which Covier Pree trode bet ween Countries. For Cxomple JoPon ata developed coontry Still needs other COUNfrier IO derms OF Importing jaw moterials and morveting places For their Indes tral _producte.

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