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1. To figure: to be, appear, take part, or be included in something.

- Figure out: to understand or solve something.

- Figure on: to plan something or to do something; to expect something (to
2. Days on end: several or many days in a row.
3. To be posted: display (a notice) in a public place. Announce or publish
(something, especially a financial result).
4. To be off to: to leave, to start going, running, etc.
5. Every other: each second in a series; each alternate.
6. Kind of: used when you are trying to explain or describe something, but you
cannot be exact.
7. To oversee: to watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is
being done correctly
8. A whirlwind: a tall, spinning column of air that moves across the surface of the
land or sea.
9. An asteroid: an object like a very large rock that goes around the sun like a
10. Hazardous: (of substances, materials, activities, or conditions) dangerous.
11. To track: follow the course or trail of (someone or something), typically in
order to find them or note their location at various points.
12. To log: enter (an incident or fact) in the log of a ship or aircraft or in another
systematic record.
13. An orbit: the curved path through which objects in space move around a planet
or star.
14. To pick up: to increase or improve, to answer the phone, to take hold of and lift
up, to gather together, collect
15. To be unaccounted for: not included in (an account or calculation) through
being lost or disregarded. If a person is unaccounted for, it is not known where
they are or whether they are still alive.
16. Infrared: infrared light is a type of light that feels warm but cannot be seen.

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