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Colegio Cristiano Génesis Christian School

Calle 26 de Enero #3, Sector Bella Vista, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. | 809-508-6408 / 809-508-6396
Un nuevo comienzo en la educación

Chapel Assignment | The Names of God [Part 3]

Name ________________ Grade: __________ Date: Monday, October 17th 2022

Fill the blanks correctly

1. Jehovah-Nissi means __________
2. The banner usually represents __________
3. Raising the flag (banner) is interpreted as __________ of war.
4. The name of Jehovah-Nissi originates from __________ against the Amalekites in the valley
of __________.
5. According to (Exodus 17:15-16), Moses built an altar as a __________of the victory
obtained thanks to the favor of __________.

How do we prove that Jehovah is our banner?

6. We are His (He is __________ and we are __________, we are not anything).
7. He has given us __________and his seal says that we are his children.
8. He shows us his love and kindness in innumerable ways, from the rise of the sun every day
to Christ __________ for us.
9. His __________ revealed with love and grace to us in the Scriptures.
10. He has made us his __________ here on Earth (We model his love and his transforming

In Exodus 17 we see examples of God's power and human effort working together:
11. Moses struck the rock; but __________.
12. Joshua fought, Moses prayed, but only __________ over Amalek.
13. Which of the applications (for Jehovah-Nissi) do you feel more identified with? Why?

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