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1) what is cucumber?

cucumber is tool to run tests, written in BDD formate, cucumber tool write in
ruby , but now support java and jave script testing also.

2)What is BDD?

BDD stands for Behaviour Driven Development,in BDD software is developed using
behaviour specification written in the tests ,
BDD test written ordinary english language , coders and non coders both can
collabrate defining tests, Bdd all roles like developers , devops ,
and QA, and product owners understand application features without knowing coding

3) Advantage of cucumber?

open sorce free tool.

gherkin language ,
code reusability
can intigrated with selenium and testNG

4) what files are needed to excecute cucumber test?

Future file :
step definition file :
test runner file:

Future file: it describes the furture , with one or more test secnario's. Maximium
no of secnarios in the future file is fixed in the projects
step defination file :Its maps, easest
test runner file: Has the both information of both furture file and step definition

5) What is a Feature example?

Feature: Click ABC link on

Scenario: Navigate to ABC page
Given: i am on home page etc.
When: I click on ABC
Then :The ABC page is opened

pom- page object model ,

xml- expendable markable language.
Question 1. What is Cucumber? What are the advantages of Cucumber?

Cucumber: Cucumber is a testing approach which supports Behavior Driven

It offers a way to write tests cases that anybody can understand.

Advantages of Cucumber

It is helpful to involve business stakeholders who can't easily read and understand

Cucumber Testing focuses on end-user experience

You can write your specifications in more than 40 languages.

Style of writing tests allow for easier reuse of code in the tests

You can use tags to organize and group your scenarios.

Quick and easy set up and execution

You can easily integrate with a host of high-quality automation libraries to drive
any kind of application.

Efficient tool for testing.

What are different keywords that we can use with Gherkin?

To use the different Gherkin keywords, we have to create a feature file with
-feature. This file is called as feature file. Feature file contains business
Gherkin uses following keywords:

a) Feature

b) Scenario

c) Scenario Outline
d) Given

e) When

f) Then

g) Ard

h) *

i) Examples

j) Background

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