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le aOR TESCIB aT Se ee atever you see can in co THONG TINCHUNG BAI MAU WRITING TEST TRINH DO MIEN PHI HOC THU MIEN PHI Xin chao! cé 1a NGUYEN THI HAI YEN 2 TEU su sU MENH nénh cla tOlla gp nat vate thénh ngual inh Viet tin vBo chinh minh, phat huy 6idanang Wve sa.qus inh inthhol Anh ng ude dal rin THANH TUU (© Séing lp vé diéu hanh Universal Language Center (© Hoc béng chucng tinh tign s 40 dye, dei hye Evangel. MY oF tfinh Chi Nang lye Todn cu New Zealand OkUS80 TOE 980 (© Nohién ctu: Céng b6 vi tinh bay nghién cau tol WG théo qué 16 IGRS 2021 toi 1018 ven a Hn ngitttong ¥ MUC TIEU TRONG BO! © sy nghiep: kétn6i nhang © nheéin xGy dung hé sinh th6i cOng nghé aldo ot 19 CGp cc khod hee tng dung h@ sau thenh ‘céng nhanh hon ve dixa hon cdc thé he tube © Gla inh: 6 thanh n Iytuéng, nguéi phy na i s6ng c6 nhée ang ngudicé dam. a mat cB cor "avi tha, sy thSuicdim ve thé chat mont Dol TAT bEN BAI writin MAU TASK 1 - BAR CHART - WEEKLY SPENDING. The bar chart provides information about how farnilies in a country spent weekly income in both 1968 and in 2018. 41968 and 2018: average weekly spending The bar chart depicts the oo average weekly expenditures of Food families in a given country in the Housing year 1968 and 2018. Among the Fuel end power eight categories of spending, only leisure, transport, and housing increased. In addition, Clothing and footware fanaa leisure spending accounted for Permanionais the majority of the family budget ‘Wampon in 2018, compared with 1968 Leisure when food dominated. % As of 1968, on average, families spent 35% of their weekly income on food, significantly exceeding other budgetary concerns. With each taking up 10% of the income, the next largest expenses were housing and clothing and footwear. Fuel and power, with only 6%, was the lowest contributor. After 50 years, spending patterns had changed considerably. Food declined to occupy only 17% of a family budget. Three other categories decreasing to under 6% include fuel and power, clothing and footwear, and personal goods. At the same time, housing and transportation costs nearly doubled (to 18% and 14%, respectively). The most dramatic growth was recorded for Leisure which had increased threefold to 22% by 2018. It is noteworthy that only household goods remained unchanged at 7%.

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