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1. Deforestation – removing or clearing of a forest (causes:

kaingin farming, illegal logging, conversion of agricultural lands
to housing projects, forest fires and typhoons; effects: soil erosion,
floods, extinction)
2. Wildlife Depletion – loss/disappearance of wildlife species
3. Water Pollution – contamination of bodies of water
 eutrophication- the process by which the body of water
becomes enriched in dissolved nutrients (such as phosphates)
that stimulate the growth of aquatic plant, life usually resulting
in the depletion of dissolved oxygen
 biological magnification – the build up of pollutants in
organisms at higher trophic levels of food chain
4. Air Pollution – occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of
substances (gases, particles and biological molecules) are
introduced into Earth’s atmosphere
 greenhouse effect – trapping of heat by gases in the earth’s
 global warming – an increase in the earth’s temperature from
rapid build up of carbon dioxide and other gases
5. Destruction of Coastal Resources –marine habitat destroyed
through overharvesting, dynamite fishing, muro-ami,
deforestation, agricultural activities and mining activities
6. Acid Precipitation - “acid rain” referring to a mixture of wet
and dry deposition(deposited material) from the atmosphere
containing higher than normal amounts of nitric and sulphuric
Sustainable development – society should live under the
carrying capacity of the environment

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