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Some young adults want independence from their parents as soon as possible.

Other young adults prefer to live with their family for a longer time
Often when a teenager becomes a young adult, they tend to make decisions of their own. One
such decision which a young adult makes is about whether they should live with their family or
independent of them. As much as the alternate seems fascinating, I would prefer to live
independent of my parents being a young adult.

I believe that living independently provides an individual with a sense of self-dependence in

making other decisions too. Once a young adult starts living independently, he starts making his
own decisions about other things – which are important for his survival as well as maintaining
the continuance of his independence – at an early age. For example, a young adult dwelling
independently would have to look after his consumptions, savings, expenditures, etc. He would
need to balance them out in order to continue to live further a sustainable life. If the young
adult’s expenses become way more than his savings then as a result, he would have to depend on
his parents which will defy the goal of being independent with which the young adult started.
Hence, the young adult would have to learn on how make appropriate decisions which will help
him to continue with his state of independence further, at a young age.

Such self-dependence achieved also helps a person to thrive better and early in his future than a
person who has been dependent on his parents since young age. The latter would most
importantly lack good judgement of critical situations occurring in his nearing future and would
most often seek help from others in order to either make proper decisions or be confident about
the decision he makes. On the other hand, the former who already been making such decisions
on their own would know how to weigh the merits and demerits of his own decision.

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