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DECLARATION FOR Rev. 01 Date: 14/10/2019
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Ref. Doc. STD-GR-GROUP-SC-004-E

(To be drawn up on SUBCONTRACTOR headed paper)

The Undersigned, Alfred Amemasor Adjei in his capacity of legal representative, acting in the name and on
behalf of ICM COTE D’IVOIRE SA hereinafter” the Company”, a company organized and existing under the
laws of COTE D’IVOIRE and having its registered office at 348C RUE DES PETROLIERS VRIDI ABIDJAN,
18 BP 1521 ABIDJAN 18, COTE D’IVOIRE V.A.T. no. 9411557V

Under his own civil and criminal responsibility


1 The Company has no knowledge and has no reason to believe that any of its directors, or former
directors, officers, managers, employees, or former employees, agents or anyone carrying out his activity on
behalf of the Company offered, promised or authorized any payment (or granted anything of value), directly
or through an intermediary, to any Public Official knowing or having reason to believe that the whole or part
of the payment / dation was intended to:
(i) induce any act or decision of such Public Official in the execution of his duties, including the case of
omitting or delaying an act of his office or contrary to his official duties, in order to assist or privilege the
Company or Saipem obtaining commercial opportunities or in order to obtain business opportunities to any
third party;

(ii) grant an improper advantage;

(iii) induce such Public Official to use his influence to affect or influence any Government Authority act or
decision in order to privilege the Company, Saipem or any other party in order to obtain business
opportunities or direct business opportunities to third parties, or

(iv) provide an unfair personal advantage or financial benefit or anything of value to that Public Official.

2 Neither the declarant Enterprise/Company, nor its shareholders, directors, staff or collaborators or
members of management have been suspended from doing business in any capacity,
investigated for or charged with any criminal act, or subject to any allegation of fraud,
misrepresentation, bribery, corruption, tax evasion or other related activities.
3 The Company has no violated, has no knowledge and has no reason to believe that any of its
directors, or former directors, officers, managers, employees, agents or anyone working in its interest has
violated the regulations established by:

a) any applicable legislation concerning anticorruption (such as the Italian Legislative Decree no. 231 of
June 8, 2001, the U.S. FCPA, UK Bribery Act, Loi Sapin II), regulations on conflict of interests, or
any other law, decree, regulation or decision with similar aim and purpose;
b) any other law and regulation regarding personal integrity, or
c) any other criminal law of other jurisdictions.
I undertake to inform Saipem about any possible development affecting the truthfulness, completeness,
accuracy and updating of the above information and declaration.


Alfred Amemasor Adjei

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