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R: Hi Santiago, how are you?

S: Hi Renata, to be honest not well.
R: Why? What happened?
S: I have lost my dog this weekend.
R: Oh no, how awful. Can I help you with something?
S: Could you give me some ideas to find it?
R: Have you tried to make posters with the image and information of your dog to find it?
S: Yes, I did it.
R: What about posting the photo of your dog on social media like Facebook or Instagram??
S: I´ll give it a try, I hope to find it very soon.
R: Don’t worry, you’ll found it.
S: How about you?
R: Well, I´m feeling sick right now
S: Oh dear! what are your symptoms?
R: I’ve a headache, and my throat burn.
S: You could take garlic with honey for your throat
R: Really!
S: Yes, you should try it
R: That´s worth a try.
S: For your headache you could put an avocado leaf on your head.
R: Yes, why not? it sounds strange but I´ll give it a try.
S: I´m glad to hear that.
R: Thank you for your advices. Sorry I have to go see you later, bye
S: Good bye.

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