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The 5 things that make me laugh the most are: memes, stand-up comedy, my best friend, Dota

2 and tiktok videos.

Memes: Actually, all types of memes crack me up. I’ve realized that the more difficult it is on
my current situation the funnier I find it. For example, I’ve been staying on my own for the last
months, so when I see memes about lonely people, I feel identified.

Stand-up comedy: Sometimes I laugh at inappropriate times. Only because I tend to find
anything unusual amusing. It is a weird habit; I know but That’s why I love comedy because
they make you laugh with real stories, sometimes they are invented but almost always related
to things that happen in life.

Best friend: He understands me so he knows what will make me laugh and he always seizes
the moment. He’s someone genuinely trying to crack silly jokes to make me laugh. I like the so
called poor or lame jokes. Nothing makes me laugh better than them.

Dota 2: Dota 2 it’s a fun video game but the funniest thing about the game is the people, who
always write or talk random things during the game. When people argue, they say very strange
thinks like “Oh my queen, slowly slowly”, it’s inevitable not laugh at people's occurrences. The
best part is when you meet people from another country, communication is almost impossible
but the people always come up with crazy ideas.

Tiktok videos: On Tiktok you will find the funniest videos of different people, before I thought
the app was boring but since I downloaded it, I don't stop laughing at people's occurrences.
The app shows you funny videos of different topics, not only dance you can find jokes and

In my opinion the 5 things don’t have many things in common, but what they have in common
is that they always find or say something silly or funny during the day, when I play or watch
videos, I always find random and funniest videos and when I go out with my best friend, he
always tells me funny things.

For me, these 5 things are necessary for my life, I can’t imagine living without these things I
think my life would be boring. When I don't feel well, these are the things that make my day.

Laughing is very important if we want to lead a healthy life. In my opinion, laughing is the key
to being happy. A good laugh has great short-term effects. When you start to laugh, it doesn't
just lighten your load mentally, it actually induces physical changes in your body. Also,
according to some studies, it draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and
emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood,
diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress.

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