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A fairly tale without a happy ending

One day, an old witch
was looking at herself in
the mirror. She was very
sad because nobody
loved her.

loves me!
Then, she had a marvelous idea. She took her magic wand
and changed herself into a beautiful princess
The next morning, she was walking near her house when she
saw a handsome prince. He was sitting near a pond and at first ,
he did not see her. But the witch called to the young and he
turned around.
“Come to my house,” said the witch, and the prince followed
her, but he said nothing. A little later, they arrived at her house.
She said to the prince, “I want to be your wife. Will you marry
me?" The prince did not reply. All afternoon, she repeated her
question, but the prince never spoke.
“I want to be
your wife.
Will you
marry me?”
That evening, the witch asked
her question for the last time.
Still, the prince said nothing.
Finally, the witch could stand
it no more. She took the
prince’s face in her hands.
She looked him in her eyes,
and then she kissed him on
the lips.
Suddenly, there was a flash of light,
and the prince disappeared in his
place was a horrible green frog,
where was her beautiful prince? The
witch was furious, but she was also
hungry, she decided to have a
delicious dinner of frog legs in a
cream sauce.

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