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<azk> <cr> <fd 480> <d 2> <vm desktop>

101 “You will be completing a series of mental math questions. 

Please answer the questions to the best of your ability. Press the right shift key for TRUE.
Press the left shift key for FALSE.”<fd 25>/;

102 “Your participation is greatly appreciated. Your accuracy may be rewarded with one (1)
bonus point toward your grade.” <fd 15>/;

103 “Begin.” <fd 3>

-104  * " TRUE OR FALSE: 13+5=20"<fd 10>/;

+105  * " TRUE OR FALSE: 70-25=45"/;

+106  * "TRUE OR FALSE: 32-11=21"/;

+107 * "TRUE OR FALSE: 12x5=60"/;

108 “The math problems may become more complicated. Try to keep your breathing steady
and answer questions with True (right shift key) or False (left shift key) before the time runs out.”
<fd 25>/;

-109 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 24/2-8 = -4” /;

+110 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 12/6x12= 24” /;

-111 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 100/25-15 = 10” /;

+112 * “TRUE OR FALSE:  10+12/(7-3) = 14” /;

-113 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 32/8+12+10 = 25” /;

-114  * “TRUE OR FALSE: 32-21x2 = 26” /;

-115 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 12x5-13 = 48” /;

116 “Please pick up the stress ball and squeeze it in the palm of your hand for 3-5 seconds, then repeat as
You continue to answer the following mental math questions to the best of your ability. 
Remember to press the right shift key for TRUE and press the left shift key for FALSE.” <fd 30 sec>/;

+200 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (5)^2 /5 = 5” /;

-201 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 6+10(½) = 12” /;

+202 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (12x2)+44 = 68” /;

+203 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 68/2-20 = 14” /;

204 “Please put down the stress ball. Continue to answer the following mental math questions 
to the best of your ability. Remember to press the right shift key for TRUE, 
and press the left shift key for FALSE.” <fd 30 sec>/;

-117 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (120/2)/4 = 14” /;

+118 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 15+(60/2) = 45” /;

+119 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (12/2)/3 = 2” /;

-120 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (100010)/4 = 15” /;

121 “Please pick up the stress ball and squeeze it in the palm of your hand for 3-5 seconds, then repeat as
You continue to answer the following mental math questions to the best of your ability. 
Remember to press the right shift key for TRUE, and press the left shift key for FALSE.” <fd 30 sec>/;

+204 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (30x60)/2 = 900” /;

-205 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (900+500-600)x2 = 1200” /;

+206 * “TRUE OR FALSE: (48/6)x4 = 32” /;

+207 * “TRUE OR FALSE: 15x4-60 = 0” /;

208 “Thank you. The End.”<fd 5 sec>/;

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