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Topic 3 DQ 2

In sociology, deviance is defined as a behavior that violates informal social norms or formally-
enacted laws. There are two types of deviance, formal and informal. Formal deviance is defined
as a criminal violation of formally-enacted laws, while informal deviance is a violation of social
norms which are not codified into law (Libretext, 2021). Formal deviance includes theft, robbery,
murder, rape, and assault. Historical solutions to these behaviors are cruel and often inhumane,
which include whipping, burning, stoning, and other violent acts (Georgetown Law Library,
2021). On the other hand, modern solutions are mostly incarceration or jail time in local or
federal prisons. Informal deviance includes standing close to a person, picking a nose, and
bleching loudly. Historical solutions to these behaviors are scolding, and embarrassment since
these are social disruptions. Modern solutions are saying phrases like "Excuse me." when
belching. When picking one's nose, it is advised to go to the restroom or go to private places to
pick the nose.

When it comes to formal deviance, both historical and modern solutions are different. Before,
someone could be instantly killed by cutting the head when committing crimes. Today, it takes a
long process through the prosecution for someone to be on the death penalty. For informal
deviance, there is no significant difference. Scolding and embarrassment may still exist today,
but there are other small solutions.

Libretexts. (2021, February 20). 7.1A: Deviance. Social Sci LibreTexts. Retrieved August 25,
2022, from
Georgetown Law Library. (2021, June 3). Guides: Legal History: Crime and Punishment
Research Guide: Crime & Punishment - General Works. Georgetown Law. Retrieved
August 25, 2022, from

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