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B'rahpp Skiddi-Pop - Draconic for "Hunter guided by Stars"

1. In the swamps of the Mere of Dead Men (known as Merdelain by the elves, also home of lost
Netheril civilizations)

2. I don't think lizardfolk really do parents. My understanding is that they are birthed in clutches and
raised collectively by the tribe.

3. He was a hunter in the Bonespear tribe, known for hunting by the stars and being in-tune with their
movement and patterns to find where game was available.

4. Sent out by his tribe's chieftain to make alliance with warmblooded races against the orc threat in the
Sword Mountains.

5. His tribe, a place in the world, a sense of familiarity, comfort and predictability.

6. Get the alliances he needs and get back home (for now)

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