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Section 2: What Is Copywriting:

What is copywriting? Copywriting is the process of writing persuasive marketing and

promotional materials that motivate people to take some form of action. Those actions being
conversions. Conversions can be things like making a purchase, clicking on a link, donating to a
cause, scheduling a consultation. So as the ultimate goal of copywriting is to increase
conversions, copywriting is literally a marketing tool. The way you frame your words can have a
big impact on how people behave. Whether that's through email, website copy, a leaflet, the way
you frame your words can have a big impact on how your readers behave. And that's super
important to understand. As if your words are going to have a big impact, then that could literally
be the difference between a client saying yes and a client saying no.

You could have the best business in the world, but without a good copy, it's like trying to drive a
car with no wheels. You won't get that far. But when you do get it right, these are skills that can
make a poor man rich, bring in millions of dollars to a charity, and turn a tiny company into big
company. To understand why let's take a look at how businesses used to operate. So back in
the day, businesses would all have their shop storefronts. They would put up ads and they
would generate business all over the counter. But then of course the internet came along and
things changed forever.

Nowadays, if you want to run a successful business, you need to be able to write effective copy.
Because without having the physical shop, your copy is going to be the only way you're going to
get people to pay attention to what you're selling. If you already have a business such as a
digital marketing agency, for example, then think about all the different places that you would
need to write a copy to promote your business. That would be on your website, emails,
proposals, sales letters, direct mail, content marketing, eBooks, landing pages, blog posts,
posters, Google ads, social media, brochures, you name it, there are literally so many places.
And I'm pretty sure I missed off a few as well. The point I'm trying to get across is that
copywriting plays a massive role in literally every business. Once you learn how to arrange
words to persuade people, your business on the whole will be a lot more effective.

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