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Social Organizations
You have just returned from a volunteering programme overseas and have been invited to
share your experience with students who are considering the same programme. Write a text in
which you describe what was most challenging in achieving the programme’s objectives,
explain how you addressed it, and reflect on how it has changed your outlook on life.


1. Introduce + Objective: NAME, You may be wondering what I am doing here today, I
have come to speak to you about the volunteering I did abroad working hand to hand
with the organization that aids the Palestininans.
2. Hook: bitter, sour taste. The story Ii am about to tell you next left a sour taste in my
mouth, and I bet it will do in yours too.
3. Anecdote: characters, when/where, everyday, drama… Young teen who lost parents
and was traded into slavery until the organization found them. Story told to you.
4. PATHOS (emotion)
Why care? statement 1 (%) → Know more than 70% of Palesitnains kids have access
to a shelter, and roof they can sleep under. It is in your hands whether to help or not.
A sensible idea is helping step by step, we can not pretend it can be fixed in one day.
call to action
5. ETHOS (ethics and moral)
Statement 2 (study) → As citizens of the world it is our duty to help those in despair,
is it not? Not a political conflict, it is moral and ethical, don't we all know that.
Denied access to citizenship and any government help. Feel better and those in need.
Solutions to problems
6. LOGOS (logic)
Statement 3 (expert opinion) → best ways to understand a conflict and more entering
university. Shurley you would all agree that
what if succeed?
Thank you very much, God Bless you
Mary Fray 2022

7. Introduce + Objective, NAME, You may be wondering what doing here to talk
8. Hook: bitter, sour taste
9. Anecdote: characters, when/where, everyday, drama… I whet to clean a tar spillage
10. PATHOS (emotion)
Why care? statement 1 (%) → Animals are dying
call to action
11. ETHOS (ethics and moral)
Statement 2 (study) → we all live in this planet
Solutions to problems
12. LOGOS (logic)
Statement 3 (expert opinion) → good curriculum.
what if succeed?
Thank you very much, God Bless you
Mary Fray 2022

Your city has become a very popular destination for tourists from around the world. You have
inquired into the impact of mass tourism on different groups of people in the city. You want
to inform the public about your investigation. Write a text in which you describe the situation,
highlight opinions from the different groups of people, and draw attention to what needs to be
addressed going forward


1. News paper name: THE DAILY RELEASE
2. Date: 2022
3. Headline: Attack on the 53th to the DISABELED (not neurotypical)
4. Photo + caption
5. Byline
6. 5W + H
7. Body
a) How happened + what reaction (source): CCTV has after released that the
community felt really affected and has gone out again in the streets to protest
for justice.
b) Source: introduce issue in more detail (testimony quote) Our witness asked to
not be identified, “ I felt horrible as if the two steps forward had gone three
c) Experts POV and how it resulted in ej. discrination. Jonathan Davis, lawyer
for the diableed rights, has argued that this was a hate crime and…
d) People helping (policy + facts) Even though the casualties have been
stabilized, the Supreme COurt will take into consideration create a a more
harsh policy towards aggressors against minorities that are protesting.
8. Tail: expert quote + links with help

1. News paper name: THE DAILY RELEASE
2. Date: 2022
3. Headline
4. Photo + caption
5. Byline
6. 5W + H
7. Body
a. How happened + what reaction (source) → tar spillage
b. Source: introduce issue in more detail (testimony quote) → “It was horrible”
c. Experts POV and how it resulted in ej. contamination → mutualism and the
d. People helping (policy + facts)
8. Tail: expert quote + links with help

You recently attended a fundraising event which gave you a deep insight into the difficulties a
minority is currently facing. Write a text in which you describe the event, evaluate the NGO's
cause and offer your own conclusion about the further steps to raise awareness and support
this minority group.

26 May 2022 Reported by: Alda Gutiérrez

- 3 problems with 5 concepts
- 4-6 lines of development + evidence (%, study, experts POV)
- Call to action/ why help
- What has been done to support
- 5-6 Info on the event
- Why help + why inspirational
- Further steps
- 5--6 with 3 solutions + events
- Community engagement
You notice that many species in the world are in danger of disappearing and feel that the
international community is not doing enough to save them. You want to raise awareness of
this and urge the world to take action. Write a text in which you describe the causes of the
species’ disappearance, explain why preserving them is important, and suggest what world
leaders should do.

1. Dear Editor,
2. Re “---” (May 5, 2022)
3. Reference to OG article (problematizar)
4. Statement for writers POV
5. Explanation for writers POV
6. Anecdote
7. Summary of OG article
8. Recommendation/proposal
9. Mary Fray, Kansas City

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