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National School Opening Day Program

This School year 2021-2022 started on September 13th on Monday morning. To start

the first day of school, QSHS attended the virtual opening ceremony led by the Department

of Education, in which students were encouraged to participate. It appeared live online that

allowed teachers and students to join nationwide.

The ceremony began with singing the National Anthem, proceeded by reciting the

“Panatang Makabayan.” After the formalities, President Rodrigo Duterte delivered an

inspirational speech that gave his full support to DepEd for providing quality education to

students. In the middle of the program, the undersecretaries from different schools mentioned

different tactics to provide education to students while experiencing pandemic.

As the flag ceremony ended, students attended their respective class orientations.

Discussion of rules, schedules, and elections for class officers took place. It served as a way

to get to know each individual. Additionally, Teachers from various subjects introduced

themselves in class.

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