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Model builder Assignment One Due date: 25/10/2022

You are required to do a suitability analysis, to find ‘best’ suited location(s) for the school on the
base of the following criteria:

The potential location should be

 At a distance of more than 1.5 Kilometres from existing schools
 At a distance between 500 and 1000 metres of the main roads (to minimize traffic noise
pollution, but still to have proper access)
 Not in use by Businesses (business areas), Forest (forest areas)
 Preferable in quarters where the population of young citizens is high (potential students).
The following classification is used by the Urban Planning dept.:
number of people between 15 and 19 years old:
 > 1200: highly suitable
 >= 700 and <= 1200: less suitable
 < 700: not suitable
In this lab exercise you will be required to use the followingTools:
a) Analysistools,
- Proximity
b) DataManagementtools,

The following steps will be followed to accomplish this task.

i. Define areas to exclude from potential use
ii. Buffer around the schools (proximity, buffer)
iii. Combine the buffers with Business areas (overlay, union)
iv. Define areas for potential use
v. Buffer the roads (proximity, multi buffer)
vi. Subtract forest areas from selected buffer (clip)
vii. Erase from the potential areas those areas which should be excluded (overlay, erase)
viii. Determine the areas with a ‘high’ number of citizens aged between 15 and 19 years old
(join and generalize, dissolve)
ix. Match the aggregated values of 15-19 year population to the potential areas. (intersect)
x. Reclassify the potential suitable areas in highly, less, and not suitable areas.

You are required to;

a) Use the convention geoprocessing, and Modelbuilder to do the analysis
b) Export the model to python script

NB: The data for this exercise if from a town in Europe. Download the data and explore it before
Divide your selves into groups of 6. Each group should save the work in a folder and submit
through through the Unit e-learning platform.

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