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Writing One


Correctio Summary of Reading One


n Extreme Perception and Animal Intelligence

1 It can be said that many animals have good perception, but in this case we are talking
2 specifically about dogs that can detect an attack from a person. They may even be more
3 effective at doing this kind of thing than other machines that have been invented.

1 Some dogs are trained to be able to achieve this or in other cases there are dogs that have
2 that ability, and others do not acquire it even if they are trained to do so.
3 Dogs that have the ability to detect human attacks do so through the signals they see or
4 perceive from people.
5 But in other things there are dogs that develop much more this ability of perception, and can
6 detect an attack 30 minutes before it happens. And these dogs can help people by giving them
7 signs that they are going to have a seizure.
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1 In conclusion, dogs can develop their cognitive signals in an efficient way, they can better
2 develop some senses that humans cannot, and in this way these dogs help many people, with
3 this incredible ability that they have.

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