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FRITZ @Miwaraira

WAGNER FritzWagner#6722

Dear TiltingPoint,

I have long proven my passion for crypto product development and on-chain community
building. I had the honor of been featured in our NEAR governance forum in the 2021: The Year
in Review, and awarded 37 badges.

I collaborated with the NEAR Ecosystem growth by launch my own web3 project and by
participating in several different initiatives where I filled different roles from contributor to
leading roles, such as: OWS, Meta Pool, TenkBay, CreativesDAO, Near Hispano, Merchants Guild,
Community DAO, Concierge Team.

I believe this is an opportunity to leverage my community and project building experience,

connections, and knowledge of DeFi projects from my contributions within the ProjectOps Sub-
Team and as an active contributor to the trading community (Merchants Guild).

I am enthusiastic about continuing to support the growth of Orderly Network, by supporting

the community, hosting AMAs, organizing events, building the DAO framework, connecting
founders with resources, coordinating to remove blockers, onboarding, and establishment
relationships with entrepreneurs.

Best Regards,

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