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Date: 03/05/2022

Name: Jennifer Jácome

Write the tory of your favorite band

 How they started

Morat was formed in 2015

 How long they have been together


 How they became successful

The song they were writing at the time, “Mi Nuevo Vicio,” ended up featuring a simple
but prominent banjo riff and caught the attention of the Mexican pop star Paulina
Rubio, who quickly recorded it with the band. The single became a sensation in Spain
and hit the charts in Latin America and the United States. Morat was invited to Europe
to produce more music

 Some of their biggest hits.

“Cuando naide ve” “La Bella y la Bestia” “Porfa no te vayas”

 How long have you liked them.

1 year

 Why you like them

Because his music is funy and varied and talks about a lot of interesting things

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