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Dear delegates

 How would you feel if you were a woman from Afghanistan and were under the laws of
the Taliban government without having the certainty or guarantee of having the right to
work or being ever educated again? How would you feel if you had to migrate to a
country, or to become a refugee who is not being able to understand the host country’s
language? How would you feel if you were murdered, raped or abused in cold blood for
going out to the street dressed as you wanted? Just imagine how would you feel as an
afghan who is being ruled by a terrorist group that keeps you from doing certain things
and keeps you at risk of death
The UK has evacuated a total of 17,000 people. In this process 457 British soldiers have
died protecting and fighting for the afghans. Also the organization of the united nations
say that there were at least 468 women and children killed and 1214 hurted.
In order to continue with it, the UK will not accept the Taliban government unless they
start respecting their people’s rights, specially the women’s and child’s ones. We will
continue fighting in this belic conflict until we achieve our objective: releasing the afghans
from the Taliban.
The delegation proposes:

       To insist on negotiations with the Taliban regarding human rights.

       Establishing a safe zone in Kabul to allow safe passage for people trying to leave

       Sending planes to Afghanistan so that a considerable amount of refugees can leave the
country and get back their rights.

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