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what virus?

how does it spread?

what happens if we get in contact with the virus?

Covid-19 is an infectious disease that spreads via droplets or discharge when someone sneezes or coughs.
We might also catch the virus if we touch something that an infected person has touched, especially if we
touch our face after that.

To keep safe, wash your hands often. Scrubbing your hands with soap and water is an effective way
to rid your hands of the virus. If those aren't readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60%
alcohol content. Do wear a masks that covers your nose and mouth when you are out. Keep away
from others. If you are showing symptoms such as a runny nose or headache, stay home. If
necessary, seek medical attention.

Abiding by the do's and don'ts will help to minimize the spread of the virus. It is essential to follow the rules
if we want to keep ourselves safe and healthy.
I love play online video game. My favourite game is Valorant,Valorant is a team-based first-person hero
shooter set in the near future. Players play as one of a set of Agents, characters based on several countries
and cultures around the world. In the main game mode, players are assigned to either the attacking or
defending team with each team having five players on it.

I play this online video game because this game can play on PC and laptop. Then the important I play this
game because this game is free to play didn't have pay anything. Besides, this game can help me get rid of
stress and help me to think a strategy and use high iq to win this game.I learn to dare to talk to the team
about enemy information .This game I get many friends overseas example i get friend from singapore,
brunei, indonesia and more.

I play Valorant on weekends and if i get bored or didn't have work to do. I usually play with online
friends and if there is no one, I invite my school friends to play with me.If I'm lucky again I'll be able to
play together with streamers and be able to go live with them and sometimes they live at You Tube or
I have been thinking about doing voluntary work. One which caught my attention are the soup kitchen.
Most are run by non-governmental organizations to provide nutritious meals to the homeless and transients.

One of the reasons for my choice is that I can make a difference in someone else's life. Helping someone
in need is empowering and humbling. Another reason is that it is a way to give back to the community. I
also get to meet like-minded people in the course of volunteering. It is a chance to expand my social
circle and it offers me the opportunity to share my views and interests with them.

I've done my research and would probably volunteer my service at the soup kitchen along Jalan Imbi.
First-time volunteers will be given an orientation and then assigned into teams and designation
locations. I can't wait to start volunteering.

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