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Team members: Diego Carvajal, Melvin Gutierrez, Kevin

Genre: Science fiction
Location; New York
K: a homeless person (Batman)
D: The joker
M: A police officer

Bank robbery in progress

M: what´s happening here
M: The joker is robbing the bank and has hostages
M: Call Batman
K: Don't worry, I'll take care of it
D: Oh, batman was waiting for you
A battle started
K: You can't beat me, I'm invincible

D: Don't forget something

K: What?
D: The hostages that are in the cellar with a small gift
D: But you will have to choose between saving them or
catching me
K: You will not escape

D: Drop a smoke bomb and escape

K: I proceed to save the hostages

M: What happened and the joker
K: The escaped
M: Then you will find it

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