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INGLES C.A.D. - 2011 - Tiempo: 60 min.- Diccionario: Si- Consigne sus respuestas EN LA HOJA DE LECTURA OPTICA.- LEA las INSTRUCCIONES para rellenar la hoja de lectura optica ANTES de comenzar.- Marque CLARAMENTE cada respuesta rellenando UNA UNICA CASILLA.- Los errores NO restan puntos. - Si tiene dudas consulte al Tribunal, EXAMEN TIPO C The American Mustang car is another famous sports car. Conceived as basically a sportier version of Ford’s successful Falcon compact, the Mustang quickly established itself as a high performance machine, even though many were sold with economical six-cylinder engines. There was also a long t of options. On the other hand, low base price had always been part of the Company’s sales policy. Few cars are better known or more loved than the Mustang. Most car fans know the origins and evolution of the sport compact that has always managed to be a lot more than that. The lighter Mustang II arrived on the very eve of the first worldwide energy crisis. Yet it nearly matched the original Mustang's sales record. Mustang enthusiasts welcomed the sophisticated fifth generation as a happy turn of events for their car. A totally new Mustang emerged in 1979. It was still distinctly American but also more European than ever and more exciting and aerodynamic, too. Yet another fuel crisis dimmed its lustre for a few years, but a renewed emphasis on “Total Performance,” beginning with the 1982 models, put ‘Mustang back on track and helped Ford Motor Company to recover its former leading position as a car manufacturer 1, ,Cual de estos titulos define mejor la informacién del texto? a. Ford Mustang, un deportivo americano_b. Los coches familiares de! mercado norteamericano c. Ford Mustang, un coche econémico 4. Los coches mas baratos del mercado norteamericano 2. ,Cual de estas oraciones NO es correcta segiin el texto? a. El modelo Ford Mustang es un coche deportivo b. La politica de ventas de Ford siempre se ha basado en precios altos c. El modelo Ford Mustang II aparecié justo antes de una crisis energética internacional 4. El éxito del modelo Ford Mustang se vio dafiado por una segunda crisis energética 3. El término “it” (linea 7) se refiere a: a. Lacrisis energética mundial _b, El modelo Ford Mustang ¢. El modelo Ford Mustang Id, La evolucidn de! modelo deportivo 4, ;Por qué palabra/s NO se puede sustituir “dimmed” (linea 11) dentro del texto? a.was detrimental to —_b. diminished c. damaged -—_d. boosted Elija la opeién correcta que mejor complete las siguientes frase: 5. “How long does it take you __get to work?” —“It depends ___ the traffic.” ato/on d.O/for cto/by — d. for/of 6. “I met a man called Sean _ knows you very well, what a coincidence!” a.for whom ——b.whose ce. which. who 7. “Paula doesn’t look very well today, __.” a. didn’t she? b. isn’t she? c. does she? d. is she? 8.“ do you visit your dentist?” - “I usually see___ once a year.” a,Howoften/her , When /them —¢, Where itd. Why /him 9, Transforme la oracién ‘This company employs hundreds of people every year’ en voz pasiva: a. Hundreds of people employ by this company every yea b. Hundreds of people is employed every year c. Hundreds of people was employed by this company every year d, Hundreds of people are employed by this company every year 10. “Which is___ river __ the world?” — “I’m not sure about it.” a.thelongest/in b.longest/of —_c. the longest by _—_d. longer / than

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